Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks
Your Steam Name: Ohneilius
Your Roleplay Name: Elias-Gonzalves Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:586529834
Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User stolen a vehicle right after raiding and killing 2 people at Wood Cabin 2. This alerted police about the car and caused the user to get pulled over. This resulted in an unnecessary shootout with police which could have been avoided if the player hadn't stolen the car.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, so i was just banned for 3.4, and in my opinion i just tried to get the best and quickest way out of a greyzone, and asticky situation.
First of all i believe that 3 weeks is quite alot, i was thinking a warning when he said he wanted to check my record, but then he says 3 weeks and i am in shock. I havent recieved a ban for 2 months, and only have 6 things on my record for 3.4, considering that i first got my first thing on my record the Feb 21, 2022. So 2 months since last infraction, also 6 things over 29 months which makes it 1 per 5 months ish. Also a little bit of a grey area and not getting another admins perspective, which i think could have been helpful for me getting clarity and him getting another perspective.
So one thing is the ban length and the little amount of space for error, i mean there should definetly be a little room for error especially when its been 2 months since my last ban/warning.
Then theres the situation itself. It all starts with me hearing shots after i just crashed my car in the water at hicktown making me only able to move around on foot. I hear shots and i go counter a raid where 2-3 mags of smg ammo is exchanged with 2 diffrent shotguns shooting 6 bullets, already here theres a likelyhood that someone has heard it. Then i mug a person inside, when i prepare to leave, morgan dunne pulls up and i gunpoint him. I decide to mug him as i can tell that the cops would have already been there if they had heard the gunshots. After i mug him, i realise that he might have called for backup or called the cops considering the bullets, there had also been 2 cars racing by as i was mugging him, which could very well have been a flanker or cop, which couldnt tell in the situation. As i prepare to leave i see another person up in the woods, though he is unarmed i cant really tell if hes holding a phone so i decide to dip quickly, which wouldnt have been on foot as if i ran on foot i would be doomed if any cops showed up, so i decide to take morgans car, as it is the quickets getaway out of the 50/50 situation (50/50 if cops were called). I then quickly drive towards storage to store all the evidence of a mugging and killing i got on me, but before i can do that a cop comes (this is 1-2 minutes after i stole the car) from behind me and runs up to me, who has 2 guns and a bunch of phones, and other stuff like flashbangs and stuff like that on me.
Right here is where i make the decision to shoot the cops instead of handing myself over. I do thjis because i realise that ontop of the stolen car i got guns and flashbangs on me, ontop of that there is still the huge likelyhood that the sweater called the cops after he freed morgan (seen from POV and the POV of the roleplay). So even if i give myself over, they will get a call in 15 seconds about a black woman in a green car that had just shot and killed 2 people with mugging another 2 ontop. So i decide to take out the 2 cops and see if i can make my escape, when i jump in my car i accedently turn it off and 1 more unit arrives which i also kill, then i jump in my car again and try to flee the scene trying to save my life and freedom, which is where the brute comes and disables my car and damages me in the ram, i jump out and begin to shoot, and i die.
I realise that if the cops were already called there wouldnt be a problem with me stealing the car as it wouldnt change anything, but i also think that i had a reasonable idea to steal the car, as there was a big likelyhood that cops were called, my own car was stuck in the middle of a river, so i just had to get out of there quickly. I see now that maybe driving down cornfield road wasnt the best idea, but i could have gone done past my own car resulting in me getting out with less chance of getting caught. Also me shooting the cops were the right solution considering the many diffrent variables that could get me in for 3-4 but also for 9-10 years. I had to weigh the choices in my head withn about 5 seconds of them pulling up.
I think its abut the perspective and there should have been more room for a little slack. I believe that it was in the heat of the moment and trying to make the best decision and not putting my own life in danger.
Additional Information: Thanks for reading my perspective.
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks
Your Steam Name: Ohneilius
Your Roleplay Name: Elias-Gonzalves Coxk
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:586529834
Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User stolen a vehicle right after raiding and killing 2 people at Wood Cabin 2. This alerted police about the car and caused the user to get pulled over. This resulted in an unnecessary shootout with police which could have been avoided if the player hadn't stolen the car.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, so i was just banned for 3.4, and in my opinion i just tried to get the best and quickest way out of a greyzone, and asticky situation.
First of all i believe that 3 weeks is quite alot, i was thinking a warning when he said he wanted to check my record, but then he says 3 weeks and i am in shock. I havent recieved a ban for 2 months, and only have 6 things on my record for 3.4, considering that i first got my first thing on my record the Feb 21, 2022. So 2 months since last infraction, also 6 things over 29 months which makes it 1 per 5 months ish. Also a little bit of a grey area and not getting another admins perspective, which i think could have been helpful for me getting clarity and him getting another perspective.
So one thing is the ban length and the little amount of space for error, i mean there should definetly be a little room for error especially when its been 2 months since my last ban/warning.
Then theres the situation itself. It all starts with me hearing shots after i just crashed my car in the water at hicktown making me only able to move around on foot. I hear shots and i go counter a raid where 2-3 mags of smg ammo is exchanged with 2 diffrent shotguns shooting 6 bullets, already here theres a likelyhood that someone has heard it. Then i mug a person inside, when i prepare to leave, morgan dunne pulls up and i gunpoint him. I decide to mug him as i can tell that the cops would have already been there if they had heard the gunshots. After i mug him, i realise that he might have called for backup or called the cops considering the bullets, there had also been 2 cars racing by as i was mugging him, which could very well have been a flanker or cop, which couldnt tell in the situation. As i prepare to leave i see another person up in the woods, though he is unarmed i cant really tell if hes holding a phone so i decide to dip quickly, which wouldnt have been on foot as if i ran on foot i would be doomed if any cops showed up, so i decide to take morgans car, as it is the quickets getaway out of the 50/50 situation (50/50 if cops were called). I then quickly drive towards storage to store all the evidence of a mugging and killing i got on me, but before i can do that a cop comes (this is 1-2 minutes after i stole the car) from behind me and runs up to me, who has 2 guns and a bunch of phones, and other stuff like flashbangs and stuff like that on me.
Right here is where i make the decision to shoot the cops instead of handing myself over. I do thjis because i realise that ontop of the stolen car i got guns and flashbangs on me, ontop of that there is still the huge likelyhood that the sweater called the cops after he freed morgan (seen from POV and the POV of the roleplay). So even if i give myself over, they will get a call in 15 seconds about a black woman in a green car that had just shot and killed 2 people with mugging another 2 ontop. So i decide to take out the 2 cops and see if i can make my escape, when i jump in my car i accedently turn it off and 1 more unit arrives which i also kill, then i jump in my car again and try to flee the scene trying to save my life and freedom, which is where the brute comes and disables my car and damages me in the ram, i jump out and begin to shoot, and i die.
I realise that if the cops were already called there wouldnt be a problem with me stealing the car as it wouldnt change anything, but i also think that i had a reasonable idea to steal the car, as there was a big likelyhood that cops were called, my own car was stuck in the middle of a river, so i just had to get out of there quickly. I see now that maybe driving down cornfield road wasnt the best idea, but i could have gone done past my own car resulting in me getting out with less chance of getting caught. Also me shooting the cops were the right solution considering the many diffrent variables that could get me in for 3-4 but also for 9-10 years. I had to weigh the choices in my head withn about 5 seconds of them pulling up.
I think its abut the perspective and there should have been more room for a little slack. I believe that it was in the heat of the moment and trying to make the best decision and not putting my own life in danger.
Additional Information: Thanks for reading my perspective.