Ban Dispute (Mini)

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Reaction score
Helsinki Finland
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @torbizzle
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: jimb0
Your Roleplay Name: Niko Ranta-Aho
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:769150191

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply with commands issued to them by multiple police officers under direct gun-point // Extended to 2 weeks for: 3.4 - User failed to leave the area of which shots were being fired.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello i am really sorry about my stupid action while trying to flee from police. i have said multible times that i will change and i think that i have changed. In the last 3monts i have got banned 3 times i know i have horrible record with 3.4 but give me change. I have read almost all of the rules now i can say that if i get unbanned and i break 3.4 i can take 2week-1month ban for it i am that sure about my knowledge with 3.4 and i know that my last two bans have been from the exact same thing but as i said please give me a change. Now to the extend if i remember correctly i was not in immidiate danger the shooting was around 3 bazaar shops away i went to look at the scene then i left. so could i get unbanned for the weekend please?

Additional Information: my pow of my ban
I have changed it to a dispute for you now. @Mini was the one who extended the ban, so neither he nor I will be involved in the dispute process. Other staff members will review the ban & discuss it.

Hello, can you please provide some evidence regarding the extension of the ban as that is all your seemingly disputing here, you can do this through demo or a recording if you have one.
that clip is from the bazaar shooting i think that is the extencion since i dont really remember any more shooting where i was close
so have you thinked about my dispute i would be really happy if i could get unbanned today i just wanna play perp

Within the evidence provided with the ban, as well as your POVs here, it's pretty clear that 3.4 was indeed broken, you had seen individuals being shot at a Bazaar shop, and instead of actually making an attempt to leave the area, you had stuck around in a nearby shop and then returned to the area soon after when shots were still being fired in the area and a gunfight was still occuring which resulted in you almost being hit in crossfire
Reviewed with @Scoot and @Bnjemann
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