Ban Dispute (Moon)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: karrine
Your Roleplay Name: Juon Kusta
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:558487013

Why were you punished?: someone told me that i said the n word and i only said ''nektariini'' and it is nectarine in finnisf. i told the admin that i said the word but he did not respond and issued the ban. i have once gotten banned for racism and after that i have never been racist in the server.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I dont think that its right to issue me a ban for saying the n word when i did not do that. and there was no evidence of me saying the word. it could be possible that i misspelled the word but i am pretty sure that i did not say the n word in finnish. i prppably only misspelled the word nektariini the finnish n word is ''n.e.e.k.e.r.i and i did not say that. i was talking that the orangejuice in the game bottle kinda lookked tha same as my nectarine juice box i had on my desk.

You are required to provide evidence for disputes, you have 48hrs to upload some form of evidence else this will be denied.
The evidence was reviewed by me and multiple other staff members. I did, in fact, respond to your report and issued your ban two minutes later.
sorry i didnt notice that. but can i see the evidence
it would be great to see the clip so i would know if i mispelled something but no one showed me anything
So out of anger, you called someone a nectarine as an insult?
i first called him a bitch in finnish then started to talk about the juice that i had on my desk when i opened my inventory
but this dispute does not seem to go anywhere so whatever andI know that i cant defend my self good enough for yall to believe that what happened, and i know what it looked like.
i first called him a bitch in finnish then started to talk about the juice that i had on my desk when i opened my inventory
Are you sure you didn't say and I quote: "lopetat ton vitun nekrujutun oikeest. Sä oot niin tumma johonen, että vittu... "
i am pretty sure i did not call the guy in the citygarage that
Bro can you just put everything you have to say into 1 message instead of spamming this thread? Cheers
I propably have dementia cause i really remeber calling him that but ill believe yall and i propably deserve the ban. and sorry for wasting your time.
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