Ban Dispute (Muffin)

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Reaction score
Straight Outta Compton
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Muffin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Slosel
Your Roleplay Name: Sevdjan Azis
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:711852754

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 3.4 Killed a officer because he killed and and he is "annoying"

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all, Roen Cohen didn't take me to talk in private he just put me in the middle of the police station with other police officers being around and telling him and i quote "Look at the F6 that I made, Look at the F6 that I made" and "You cannot revenge kill police officers, You cannot revenge kill police officers". Second of all Roen Cohen didn't tell me he is an admin and he didn't give me the chance to tell him why did I kill the police officer that led to my ban. While I tried to tell Roen Cohen he just said and I quote "I'm gonna ban you for 2.5" ignored me and went to talk with the other police officers that were in the police station and after 5 seconds he banned me. Also I don't know why he put 3.4 when he said he was gonna ban me for 2.5.

(3.4) I killed the police officer after, because he was excessively negative to me and he purposefully crashed his car in the police station barrier and after that in the wall on the police station parking lot while me being cuffed in the back seat of his car which led to me being unconcious. And after I was revived, Aaron Bagshaw said to me and i quote "Out of character my game lagged" he didn't say sorry or anything, and after that he gave me the maximum sentence and fine for 9.2.

(2.5) First of all there is no reason for banning me for being and i quote "annoying". The police officer that I killed and other police officers were being negative to me so I found no reason why should I treat them with respect and why I shouldn't "mess" with them. An example of this one of the police officer laughed at me after being ran over and after that he just cuffed me and said I would arrest you for jaywalking instead of helping me or catching the culprit.

Thank you, for reading this, and I hope you understand the situation.

Additional Information: I hope this is resolved as soon as possible, because this is an unrightful ban that was made against me.
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No evidence provided nor attempted to respond about getting evidence. As far as I can tell from the evidence provided from the ban issuer, this seems like a valid ban.
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