Ban Dispute (phoondos)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: souff079
Your Roleplay Name: mahmoud ranoudi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:546101932

Why were you punished?: 3.18, 3.4 - User shot a television and immediately stored their firearm. When told under gunpoint to retrieve the gun, they did so, but stalled under gunpoint by using different emotes other than the Surrender emote.

Why should this appeal be considered?: first off the 3.18 is just very NOT true as i stored the gun whilst pd was not gunpointing me or sayin hands up that is a jailable offense what i did read server law 3.7 reffering "a officer may search a storage box if evidence is stored in it" and what i did is store a gun whilst NOT under gunpoint meaning i store evidence. wel now to the 3.4 where phoondos was probably annoyed about me talking back to clarify i did not put my life at risk as pd did not have any good reason to shoot me so i just stood still doin emotes till i got put in cuffs which took so long i was actually on my way with my mouse to surrender till a pistol cop with higher IQ than the 2 officers gunpointing me has in double cuffed me then they took my weapon finally cuz when they rushed in the bazaar shop i just took it out and put it on my back since they were 2 officers one should cuff me as im not a threat to their life directly and had the gun on my back please refer to the clip i attached up there and yall know what happened.

Additional Information: even if yall think i risked my life i want a reduced ban since i did not break 3.18 and i was not told i broke 3.18 in the f6
Please provide situation of the whole thing. 3.18 also states: "While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding on their person.". Was your freedom in imminent danger? Please provide from start to finish.
it was from start to finish after i commited the crime i ran to bazaar shop without pd tailing me the part i left out was me running from 1 bazaar shop to the other while no gun was pointed u saw pd run in the shop 3 seconds after i stored my gun
it was from start to finish after i commited the crime i ran to bazaar shop without pd tailing me the part i left out was me running from 1 bazaar shop to the other while no gun was pointed u saw pd run in the shop 3 seconds after i stored my gun

That is not from start to finish of the situation. Quite clearly your freedom was in imminent danger if you started running away and then came moments later lol, provide the WHOLE situation like I said.
If u look at this clip and then the clip I evidence then u would see as I left out the part that I already showed and in 1st evidence I gave u saw me getting put in cuffs and then getting arrested the clips are full screen I provided everything regarding the rules I "broke" if u can't see it its a problem on ur side there where 2 cops gunpointing me meaning if i did something it would lead to my death thank God I have more than 5 brainchild cuz if I did put my gun in firing stand it would be 3.4 and 3.18 u already saw was a lie since I stores evidence while cops were not gunpointing me
Yo @A1L, sorry for the pissed-off responses I’ve been giving. I was a bit mad about the fact that I seemingly got hit with a 3.18 wrongfully, especially since I was told I’d only get a 3-day ban for 3.4, which I was fine with. This might sound like an apology, but please take this dispute more towards 3.18 and not so much 3.4.

I was confused on the difference between storing evidence from police to avoid evidence and storing under gp to avoid losing them. I may have done that in phondoos eyes, but I genuinely thought it was good to store as I didn't notice any cops nearby or the one driving through crosswalk as you pointed, I was just trying to store it and get out.

I used emotes because I thought I was about to get cuffed by one of the two officers. In my mind at the time, I already knew I was getting arrested, so I thought I’d make it more funny. I understand I should’ve just surrendered to get it over with, it would've avoided a lot of peoples pain in the situation.