Ban Dispute (phoondos)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: afkplayer
Your Roleplay Name: dave chatfield
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88910819

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply whilst under gunpoint, resulting to their death

Why should this appeal be considered?: personally i think a week ban is far to much as i was clearly leaving the area slowly or not i was complying under gun point i also think its a but unfair the the person in front of me got let off with a warning yet we are doing the same thing and made an f6 for the same reason.
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: afkplayer
Your Roleplay Name: dave chatfield
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88910819

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply whilst under gunpoint, resulting to their death

Why should this appeal be considered?: personally i think a week ban is far to much as i was clearly leaving the area slowly or not i was complying under gun point i also think its a but unfair the the person in front of me got let off with a warning yet we are doing the same thing and made an f6 for the same reason.
Are you disputing the validity of the ban or the fairness of the ban length?
i think i shouldn't have gotten a ban in the first place as the person in front of me in the clip only got a warning
So you admit you done wrong just disagree with the punishment issued correct?
At the time I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I thought I was complying with the rules. Clearly I wasn't but I think a ban of that length is fairly harsh as the person I was with only got a warning for it. Therefore, I thought a warning would be fair for me too as we both broke the same rule doing the same thing.

You are unable to dispute the type of punishment and length of ban (if banned) through this form, that should be done via a staff complaint. Disputes are only to dispute the actual validity of the ban i.e. you believe a rule was not broken.

Reviewed with @Bnjemann
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