Ban Dispute (Sadboy)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @SadBoy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: tjrmonkeyface
Your Roleplay Name: Silvio Constantine
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48267317

Why were you punished?: For raiding and not issuing commands

Why should this appeal be considered?: There is no rule that states commands of any kind have to be made during a raid. Thus I was banned for something that is not a rule. It states anyone entering, exiting or inside a property during a raid with a weapon is enough of a threat, I had a weapon pointed right at them and they shot back. It was a normal raid. The raiding rules don't say anything against it. Change your rules if you are forcing people to order commands. Currently it does not state that it is required

Additional Information: It states anyone entering, exiting or inside a property during a raid with a weapon is enough of a threat, I had a weapon pointed right at them and they shot back. It was a normal raid. The raiding rules don't say anything against it. Change your rules if you are forcing people to order commands. Currently it does not state that it is required
You can’t just come running guns blazing which you kinda did from the very first second of your clip assuming this is the very start of the situation (it’s best you keep a longer clip for how it escalated to that situation for the future). Since those people weren’t visibly armed, you have to take measures to ensure they do not get shot by giving commands under the threat of gunpoint, it’s just how it works here and always has, hope this gives somewhat of an insight.

Also you can’t be giving out in character information to your buddy via discord, that is called metagaming - an example would be you calling out that you just died in the end of your clip, but that’s something for someone else to deal with ig
You were banned for:

2.5 - User shot and killed an individual whilst raiding, when they were visibly unarmed without any prior verbal commands/interaction.

The stated rulebreak of 2.5 is very clear within the evidence provided. Even within a raid, unarmed players should not be shot on sight.
"When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting or inside of the property that is being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction."

As you're also very clearly metagaming in your evidence, your punishment will be extended to a month and your friend will be issued a 2 week punishment as a result.

Reviewed with @Ezza, @HuskyD0G
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