Ban Dispute (Scoot)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Master Oogway
Your Roleplay Name: John dicksonnn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:584972417

Why were you punished?: 2.5

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because I just don't think it's unfair. I just don't think it makes any sense. The car stopped completely. We're talking about a few milliseconds. And then they started driving again, and then I jumped out less than a second later. And drew my weapon. They could have easily stopped. They were barely driving. They barely drove But I just think, in reality, they wouldn't have continued driving in that car, and then they would have stopped.

But I just think it's annoying that something like that happens. It's going to ruin it. Because I can play on the server for a month. Now enjoy myself and have fun there.Because I really like playing it and I love it. Then I just get a little tired of it when It's something like that that's going to ruin it. Something like that. And then a month. I hope you can understand me

I'm fine with getting banned. As long as it's not a month? I've been down for 3 months now. And I didn't explain myself there either. But for the last almost 2 months I've just been having fun. Inside the server. Where I haven't been banned

Sorry if I write a little badly but that's because I'm dyslexic. I hope you understand what I have written. I have tried my best.

I'm just hoping I can get my ban down a little bit so it's not a month. Because a month and Such quite a long time.

Additional Information:'
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Are you disputing or apologising here? If it's about length you should make a Staff complaint
I've just been in and looked at 2.5. Not that I. I can see something. What I did. Against them. As I can see in the rules. Now I've just read through the rules. Can't you just tell me in the rules what I did wrong there? Because I don't think I can do that myself. But it's not one apologising But it is one disputing

This is being denied for the following reasons:
  • By the time you drew your firearm to mug them, they had already driven away with a reasonable amount of speed/distance.​
  • Your failed mugging attempt resulted in you shooting them as they drove away (you basically sprayed the vehicle with absolutely no reason, which was a violation of rule 2.5).​
  • There was no threat to you or your colleague when they drove through/away from the area.​

Reviewed with: @Mini @Bnjemann
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