Ban Dispute (Scrabuz)

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PD Holding Cell
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: sasuke0115
Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - After running a civilian over by accident, the user decided to run away from police officers, then proceeded to run these officers over while they had guns pointed at them.// Banned for Enforcer Scrabuz

Why should this appeal be considered?: lets begin by firstly starting off what happened. I was at bazaar and me, scrabuz, ava james and priti nightfall were all messing around (i have proof of scrabuz saying that he indeed was joking around). not only we were having fun we were just constantlly messing around. After that, i run over Andrew curry (who keep in mind is my friend) by accident with pritis car. After that scrabuz decides to try and chase me in which i do infact break 3.4 because i thought that we were still goofing around (talked to scrabuz about this and he agreed that a punishment isnt apropiate enough) i want you to keep in mind that i can tell from his tone that he is not happy with this result as he first said "i have decided that...." and after said "we concluded that a punishment wouldnt be apropiate". after this, scrabuz pulls me to the ch roof to talk to me, he tells me that and i quote "i decided to go into my demo because something felt off" after he ALREADY concluded a punishemnt doesnt fit here. At this point its obvious that scrabuz is doing his best to get me punished to which i will also take this to a staff complaint, furthermore, scrabuz said that he talked to multiple staff members that at that time werent even on the server, did NOT let me try and explain my side and decided to ban me for a personal choice. When I ran over andrew that was a 9.2 charge therefor im allowed to run away from cops and to run them over. Not only that but also one of the officers shot my car before i even ran one of them over which could have ment they were possibly going to kill me because they have broke policy. In total ive been pulled over to the roof 2 times, 1 which lasted like 40 minutes because scrabuz was arguing with other staff members that i should get a punishment. and the second where the ban took place. I would like for scrabuz now to tell me why, after "he" decided to let me go, came back to the same situation, brought up the demo and talked to other staff members, just to get me punished. Scrabuz was literally annoyed at the fact that one of his officers tased him instead of me on accident. I have proof of everything that i have stated here but all the 3 clips are too big to post. Im going to have to screenshare them to someone.

Additional Information: Scrabuz is literally doing anything he can to get me punished and i also have proof of it
there are 3 clips and 1 of them is too big for it. ill be able only to screenshare 1 due to the fact its on medal, in the meantime i will get on uploading the 2 other ones because they have been recorded with OBS via demo
- incident itself
- 1st rooftop pull
second rooftop pull i need to screenshare it. its on medal and its too big to upload
also one more thing to state, if scrabuz already decided i shouldnt be punished in the first rooftop pull, why would he go in his demo and check again and ask again? obviously just to get me punished

Before proceeding I would like to make clear that multiple staff members advised @Scrabuz on the ban at the time and it was not a decision he made in isolation. Nonetheless Nazeer, Ellie, and I have reviewed this independently after the fact and were not involved in the initial ban.

The matter is simple: you openly admit to breaking the rules in your dispute which - upon our examination - is clearly the case. As such there is nothing here to dispute.

If Scrabuz chose to review his demo in order to gather the necessary evidence and be sure that you did in-fact break the rules then that is his prerogative.

If you are unhappy with the way in which he dealt with the situation then your form of recourse is through a Staff Complaint and not via a Ban Dispute.

Reviewed with @Ellie and @Nazeer
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