Ban Dispute (scrabuz)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Potato0101
Your Roleplay Name: Bruce McRoquette
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184365321

Why were you punished?: 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: A cop pulled me over for reckless driving so I stoped he gave me a ticket and ran towards the raid that my org members had started in subs 1(they did not know i was getting pulled over down the street since the cop forced me out of teamspeak as the traffic stop begins.)
They give me a ticket in a rush and they started running down the street and they get gunned down at this point i was free so i rejoin teamspeak and start giving info(and I was armed hkpistol on me) and g3a3 in trunk.
The reason of my ban is driving in a active shootout when I am the one giving info to the multiples shooters we had(5heavy arm just on 5 with me on ts(my friends know my car and would not shoot it ofc)
It is not agains't the rule to join my org in a active raid the traffic stop cops where dead even before i had rejoin teamspeak.
Therefor with all those explanation that the staff did not let me tell ashe banned me in less than 5 minutes inf6 I will go ahead and ask An other member of the staff to review the situation.
I will gladly provide demo if needed
Thank you

Additional Information: The fact the he spams f6 like this when I try to help my team made me unefficent therfor we lost the fight, he banned unaware of the situation and this is wrong.
Ok so the reason when he bans me is :3.4 - User was driving around the scene of an active shootout and raid with officers being shot and killed right next to them. Extensive 3.4 record, especially in the recent past.
He sees my disputes and changes it to 3.4 - User was driving around the scene of an active shootout and raid with officers being shot and killed right next to them. They only stayed around the area to kill more cops after the fact. Extensive 3.4 record, especially in the recent past
So the fact that I was going around(by my org) And killing cop when there is a raid going on is totally valid You banned me so fast that you had to changed the reason of the ban 10 minutes afterwar, As soon as evryone died I left the scene and stayed on the highway ramp to check if anyone was getting revived im my team, this staff and this situation needs to be invistegated(and as a fact i did not even kill any cops or shoot more than what you see in the clip so the fact that he says that i stayed around to kill moree cops when i did not even fire my gun is ironical.
thank you.
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