Ban Dispute (sean)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Sean
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: mohamed pablo
Your Roleplay Name: mohamed pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556778222

Why were you punished?: for shooting someone who was harassing me

Why should this appeal be considered?: mate the fact you banned me in the first place is an absolute piss take the guy literally never leaves me alone in multiple scenarios he just harasses me, the clips above are all evidence of this and there's even a clip in there of him not listening to me under gun point and just taking the piss this isn't the first time he's done it all he dose is follow me around talk shit and try to get me arrested he's done this like 3 times now it benefited me very much to kill the annoying little fucker

Additional Information: Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

killing him was very beneficial as all he dose is follow me around talking shit and trying to get me in trouble it was also not 2.5 excessive negativity as he was being negative first
and a1l if you want the full demo let me know ill try figure out how to do it as i have some time on my hands now
the ban wasn't right in the first place i made the first dispute and it took ages to do and i really couldn't be arsed to do it again so i thought i would apologise bc its easier but you denied that so i might as well make the dispute because the ban is invalid, the only reason i made an apology is bc its quicker and easier if you did un ban me, im a really busy person half the time so it makes sense for me.
the ban wasn't right in the first place i made the first dispute and it took ages to do and i really couldn't be arsed to do it again so i thought i would apologise bc its easier but you denied that so i might as well make the dispute because the ban is invalid, the only reason i made an apology is bc its quicker and easier if you did un ban me, im a really busy person half the time so it makes sense for me.
and the only reason i didn't follow through with the first dispute was because i was working abroad and dmd a1L and asked him to close it due to the length of me being away

I'll just do one reply to this even though someone else will need to deal with it. You've already made an apology which you admitted guilt within and said you understood how your actions could have been considered 2.5, but if you want to dispute this again then no worries.

You said that the player keeps "talking shit" about you which as stated in rule 2.5, you cannot kill a player over verbal insults or minor actions alone. Furthermore, at the time of you killing the player he was not harassing you and you've gone out of your way to hunt him down and kill you. Doesn't really make sense to say someone is harassing you but then you're the one going out of your way to find them and escalate the situation further. Why not just leave the area or inform the Police you're being harassed as this would be the most sensible option?

Furthermore, you originally told me that the original reason for you killing the player was because he snitched on you. You're own video benefits my case as it shows that him snitching on you had no negative effect on you. The cop didn't even detain nor search you for the allegations he was making and ignored them. There was no benefit to you then killing him over these allegations which resulted in nothing. You just risked a large prison sentence or death over someone making baseless claims to cops which no action was taken against.

Overall, there was no benefit in any of the reasons you keep adding to these appeals to kill the user. It's also not "taking the piss" to ban you for it when you've been consistently punished for the same rules in the past 3 months where you spend the majority of your time in this community banned as a result of you breaking 2.5 and 3.4 non stop. You're clearly not learning from your mistakes and have no intention too with the language you're presenting in this appeal.

I'll just do one reply to this even though someone else will need to deal with it. You've already made an apology which you admitted guilt within and said you understood how your actions could have been considered 2.5, but if you want to dispute this again then no worries.

You said that the player keeps "talking shit" about you which as stated in rule 2.5, you cannot kill a player over verbal insults or minor actions alone. Furthermore, at the time of you killing the player he was not harassing you and you've gone out of your way to hunt him down and kill you. Doesn't really make sense to say someone is harassing you but then you're the one going out of your way to find them and escalate the situation further. Why not just leave the area or inform the Police you're being harassed as this would be the most sensible option?

Furthermore, you originally told me that the original reason for you killing the player was because he snitched on you. You're own video benefits my case as it shows that him snitching on you had no negative effect on you. The cop didn't even detain nor search you for the allegations he was making and ignored them. There was no benefit to you then killing him over these allegations which resulted in nothing. You just risked a large prison sentence or death over someone making baseless claims to cops which no action was taken against.

Overall, there was no benefit in any of the reasons you keep adding to these appeals to kill the user. It's also not "taking the piss" to ban you for it when you've been consistently punished for the same rules in the past 3 months where you spend the majority of your time in this community banned as a result of you breaking 2.5 and 3.4 non stop. You're clearly not learning from your mistakes and have no intention too with the language you're presenting in this appeal.
so 2.5 is worth a 1 month ban and the player was harassing me he was at the bazar with no intent other than following me around i didnt go out of my way to kill him he followed me and came to me when i killed him he still snitched on me to pd tho and after to the pd he was constantly trying to get me in trouble and it wasn't just because of that it was because for the good part of half an hour the kid wouldn't leave me the fuck alone im not going to leave my own bazzar shop because some freak wants to follow me account and talk shit to me and it is taking the piss when i didnt break the rule, i dont get where you got the part that i hunted him down to kill him too like mate what are you on about lmao , and he was constantly harassing me who ever takes this i will upload the full demo for them to watch where you can see him harassing me but at this point in time im done talking to you its a waste of my time because as you stated omeone else will need to deal with it,

and i really don't understand where you get the part that he wasn't harassing me and that i hunted him down can you tell me because that's just complete bs.

I'll just do one reply to this even though someone else will need to deal with it. You've already made an apology which you admitted guilt within and said you understood how your actions could have been considered 2.5, but if you want to dispute this again then no worries.

You said that the player keeps "talking shit" about you which as stated in rule 2.5, you cannot kill a player over verbal insults or minor actions alone. Furthermore, at the time of you killing the player he was not harassing you and you've gone out of your way to hunt him down and kill you. Doesn't really make sense to say someone is harassing you but then you're the one going out of your way to find them and escalate the situation further. Why not just leave the area or inform the Police you're being harassed as this would be the most sensible option?

Furthermore, you originally told me that the original reason for you killing the player was because he snitched on you. You're own video benefits my case as it shows that him snitching on you had no negative effect on you. The cop didn't even detain nor search you for the allegations he was making and ignored them. There was no benefit to you then killing him over these allegations which resulted in nothing. You just risked a large prison sentence or death over someone making baseless claims to cops which no action was taken against.

Overall, there was no benefit in any of the reasons you keep adding to these appeals to kill the user. It's also not "taking the piss" to ban you for it when you've been consistently punished for the same rules in the past 3 months where you spend the majority of your time in this community banned as a result of you breaking 2.5 and 3.4 non stop. You're clearly not learning from your mistakes and have no intention too with the language you're presenting in this and im not going to sit here


I'll just do one reply to this even though someone else will need to deal with it. You've already made an apology which you admitted guilt within and said you understood how your actions could have been considered 2.5, but if you want to dispute this again then no worries.

You said that the player keeps "talking shit" about you which as stated in rule 2.5, you cannot kill a player over verbal insults or minor actions alone. Furthermore, at the time of you killing the player he was not harassing you and you've gone out of your way to hunt him down and kill you. Doesn't really make sense to say someone is harassing you but then you're the one going out of your way to find them and escalate the situation further. Why not just leave the area or inform the Police you're being harassed as this would be the most sensible option?

Furthermore, you originally told me that the original reason for you killing the player was because he snitched on you. You're own video benefits my case as it shows that him snitching on you had no negative effect on you. The cop didn't even detain nor search you for the allegations he was making and ignored them. There was no benefit to you then killing him over these allegations which resulted in nothing. You just risked a large prison sentence or death over someone making baseless claims to cops which no action was taken against.

Overall, there was no benefit in any of the reasons you keep adding to these appeals to kill the user. It's also not "taking the piss" to ban you for it when you've been consistently punished for the same rules in the past 3 months where you spend the majority of your time in this community banned as a result of you breaking 2.5 and 3.4 non stop. You're clearly not learning from your mistakes and have no intention too with the language you're presenting in this appeal.
it wouldn't be taking the piss had there been no beneficial reason for me to kill him but there was you just fail to see that you also said "at the time of you killing the player he was not harassing you" witch is a lie and even if it wasn't he still harassed me for at least 30 minuets and was more than likely to come back and do it again, and he didn't just try to get me in trouble with pd once he tried it like 3 times, if the admin that's supposed to reply to this wants me too i will send him the full demo through the thing a1l had sent me and they can see that, and for my language I'm not a very formal person and it dosent make a difference ether way i didn't break 3.4 and you also put that i admitted to 2.5 the only reason i made the apeel was to see if i could get unbanned faster like i stated before you sent the reply
Even if he was harassing you, there were still other options of dealing with it. I'll leave this for other staff to sort this out now but yet again his harassment was just minor actions/verbal insults which it specifically says in 2.5 you can't kill someone over.