- Messages
- 3
- Reaction score
- 0
- Points
- 10
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @swaffle
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days
Your Steam Name: muggybuggy
Your Roleplay Name: Mohhamad Beijing
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:921947676
Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.15, 3.4 - User rammed another player's car multiple times for seemingly no reason, the players started shooting him but he didn't care and drove back towards them.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Honestly I like a lot of people on the server and its a cool community but my and many other peoples experience gets ruined when you like to chill back, drink beer and have fun. Then all a sudden get harassed in an f6. A disrespectful approach was taken by swaffles and I get pulled into an interrogation sit. If you have a problem with a player on the server everything should remain professional and communication towards the person being accused of a rule break, respectfully.
I'm fed up of admins like swaffle teleporting me over for an interrogation sit without asking just because I politely asked to see a clip which will refresh my memory of what happened and I can tell my side.
he then continues to harass me and keeps asking me what happened, ignoring my constant polite request for a clip, didn't deny my request just kept harassing me. I was confused at why I'm being pressed instead of having a respectful conversation and responded with "what you on about nothing happened" which was enough for him to say "im banning you for lying"
where is the respect for my time? by actually having a clip on hand sent over to me in the beginning? I'm supposed to explain every tiny teeny detail and get called a liar for missing one out? Even if it happened 30 mins ago? That gets very time consuming even when u result in being innocent
And this disgusting, haste approach led to him falsely banning me. He didnt even get my story he just banned me acting like he knows what happened. apparently I was ramming him on the road, if you call a few bumps to the car at 20mph then yes I was ramming him.
Additional Information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3382016597