Ban Dispute (torbizzle)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @torbizzle
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Hlias
Your Roleplay Name: Ilias Kasidiaris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526721348

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User upon being gun-pointed outside his property started shouting "I'm putting my hands up" to comply with the raiders' orders. However, this was obviously also to let his friends inside know they were being raided inside. Once shots had been fired, he stood in the middle of the gunfight highly exposed to crossfire. Greatly endangering his life.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello PERPHeads Community and Administrators
So yesterday i was banned for 3,4 but i was complying with everything the user who was gunpointing me said. I put my hands and i told him that i was but since i wasnt doing anything wrong i tried to get my basemates to listen to what is going on outside. I believe that i didnt do anything wrong since i was complying with everything the mugger said plus i believe anyone who is on the server would have done the same and i was harmless to the mugger. So next while the shots were being fired i was under gun point so i could not move under 3,4 rules i stayed in the muggers vision so i wouldnt get shot. When my friends arrived the mugger stopped gun pointing me and i could finally be able to hide behind cover while my friends dealt with him. Next after the mugger had died i took my gun and was behind cover.
Also in this situation there was a glitch happening where the mugger couldnt see that i had my hands up when i did have them so this whole situation was confusing.
I believe i acted completely normal complying under everything the mugger said trying to not risk my life.
I stayed where i was told by the mugger not moving to cover because i was under gun point if i move i would have actually broke 3,4
Getting the attention of my teammates is not risking my life since the door was open for too long they would have realised anyway that something was wrong and everyone would have done the same thing i did.
You can see in the clip that hid behind cover as soon as i wasnt under GP.
Also the surrender action wasnt loading for the mugger .
Again I say that i acted properly and i believe everyone who was in my situation would do the same.
Thanks for reading this i hope this gets resolved.

Additional Information: Clip of the situation :

You were told to shut the fuck up so you should have shut the fuck up, you also stood right in the way of the gunman, If I was the raider I would have killed you just out of principle.

Reviewed with @Scoot, @Locksmith & @HuskyD0G
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