Ban Dispute (torbizzle)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @torbizzle
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: sosa
Your Roleplay Name: Jonathan Raymond
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:672177315

Why were you punished?: 2.5 - User killed another player without sufficient justification

Why should this appeal be considered?: i was in my shop when a player came in or around my shop and we started arguing and we was walking and i pulled my revolver out and he pulled his shotgun and i put my gun away and said woah im joking and he said no up Ur stick Ur something and stepped back so i pulled my pistol out and shot thinking he would try to kill me straight away witch he would have if i wasnt faster than him at no point did he try to be friendly when i was the one to put my revolver away and said im joking and he was saying nah nah nah so i belive a 5 day ban is a bit harsh when either way it woud have ended in one of us dead in the moment so i just cant see how i can get banned where it was only ending in us shooting each other his friend even came after and tried to killl me put luckly manged to get a head shot before they could shoot me for a second time as we where having problems i didnt just shoot him because i felt like it i shot him because he was going to shoot me and was moving in a way to suggest he was going to shoot me so to dsy it is was without justifcation doesnt make sense
You need evidence to dispute a ban EG a clip or your demo

You also state you think 5 days is about harsh are you disputing the ban or the ban length

As you can’t dispute the ban length that will need to be done via staff complaint

You can only dispute the ban if you feel like you didn’t break the rules
You need evidence to dispute a ban EG a clip or your demo

You also state you think 5 days is about harsh are you disputing the ban or the ban length

As you can’t dispute the ban length that will need to be done via staff complaint

You can only dispute the ban if you feel like you didn’t break the rules
im not im also saying i didnt kill the person for no reason i killed him because he was a threat to my life he told me to up the stick and had a shotgun in his hand after us argueing
You need evidence to dispute a ban EG a clip or your demo

You also state you think 5 days is about harsh are you disputing the ban or the ban length

As you can’t dispute the ban length that will need to be done via staff complaint

You can only dispute the ban if you feel like you didn’t break the rules
and they have a clip but i cant get it so the person that issued the ban said he was asking if i had a clip and i clipped but to late so it didnt actualy have it in and the then we was going back forth about the situation and then near the end i realised i didnt have a clip and told him and then he said well they did and said if i want to report him i can in staff report or somthing
I was the player involved in this incident. There was in no way an argument whatsoever, I was simply minding my business when this person came up to me and asked me if I was okay. This went back and forth until he pulled out a gun which prompted me to pull out mine. We both holstered our weapons and he pulled his out immediately after and shot me for no feasible reason.

This is the clip that I submitted for the report
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