Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @TYMON007
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days
Your Steam Name: Oskar
Your Roleplay Name: Oskar Giles
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53837836
Why were you punished?: 1.6, 3.4 - User walked up into an active shootout, even though they were well aware of it happening which resulted in their death. Later created a report that took a massive amount of staff time to resolve, as he thought he was killed without a reason.
Why should this appeal be considered?: To give a very brief context of the situation in the video, I had just spawned in and was running to get my car from city garage. I had then seen that a gunfight was ensuing and surrendered due to not wanting to be seen as a threat and just someone who had to the wrong place at the wrong time. I was then shot and afterwards promptly made a report as I felt like a rule had been broken.
I see the server rules as something that makes this server different from other RP servers as they allow for a more authentic role play experience and lets players enjoy themselves while not having their experience impeded on by people coming on and 'minging' on the server and acting in a way that wouldn't be enjoyable by others.
The reason the 3.4 punishment is unjustified and excessive is because of the following reasons:
1. I had made an effort to distance myself from the situation, I was wanting to go and buy a house from the bank and get my car out to drive to wherever that would be but had realised the situation at hand.
2. I hadn't effected anyones role play experience but my own.
3. My record for 3.4 is entirely for ignoring gunpoint and not for walking into gunfights. The part of 3.4 around following gunpoint is something in which I have, since my last ban been making a concious effort to avoid seeing as I have started to play regularly on this server again due to my friends taking an interest in playing on the server and participating in the community through running our organisation Anglo Arms together.
4. I was not given a fair chance to speak to either of the admins that were contemplating through a means in which I am able to articulate myself best. I had asked multiple times to speak to the mod and the 'senior admin' who were deliberating over whether to give me a ban or not although I had offered to speak to them through other means (Teamspeak/Discord/In game).
5. I was not loitering as I was constantly on the move besides when the voicerecord prompt came up. I was also not in the line of fire from intentional & accidental fire.
(The definition of the section of 3.4 that I am accused of breaking is defined as "Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.")
6. I was under the assumption that the gunfight was over as there were no more policemen following the death of the one seen in the beginning of the evidence as well as not hearing any shots fired up until that moment. Therefore I had assumed the situation was safe and wasn't intentionally running towards an active shootout. As well there was no banner popping up for an ongoing bank robbery.
The reason why the 1.6 punishment is absolutely absurd is because of the following:
1. I was fully co-operative with the staff member dealing with my report. I had not attempted to mislead or lie to them. I had followed any instructions or requests given by them.
(The rule 1.6 is definined as "Players must cooperate and follow any instructions or requests given to them by staff members, in relation to in-character and community-related situations.")
2. My WiFi is not the best - part of the reason I feel like this was tacked on to the ban reason was because it took me so long to get a clip to show my side of the situation. It had taken roughly 1:30 hours to upload a 5 minute clip due to my upload speed being abysmal. I had told the staff member that it was uploading and had mentioned that it may take a while to upload. Once I had confirmed it was uploaded I sent the clip straight away. This can be evidenced by the screenshots of the report conversation log.
3. I had not taken a 'massive amount of staff time to resolve' seeing as I wasn't in consistant contact and taking away time from the staff member dealing with other reports. It feels like this was blown out of proportion and should not be a reason for my ban to be extended as stated by TYMON007 "... you will be recieving a 5 day ban from this situation. This is due to you blatantly just walking up to a shootout and getting killed, and then basically wasting a lot of staff time to investigate that matter."
4. I was also told by the staff member that "The 'senior staff member' said you just wasted more time and you will be banned." when trying to explain my side of the story while typing when I had requested multiple times to speak to them in a manner in which would be quicker for all - Voice chat.
On another note which is more opinionated. TYMON007 had falsely accused my friend IakFTW on the 3/10/2024 at 14:17 GMT of stealing a Scar-L from slums during a shootout and them proceeded to call him a liar for 7 minutes before realising that they were in the wrong. This had shaped my opinion of TYMON007 before my interaction with them and had led to me taking a more cynical approach to their abilities.
In my own opinion I feel as if Perpheads is returning to its old ways of discouraging loyal players to play on the server by handing out excessive bans and not taking a more case-by-case approach. I do love this server and have played on it since 2015 racking up nearly 2 months and a half of play time. I don't want to see it die again because of the affordmentioned reason. I will admit when I am in the wrong and take my punishment as without the strict rules this would just be like any other darkRP server but with fancy textures and and gun mechanics. Although in this case I firmly believe that this an excessive, unnecessary and unjustified ban.
Additional Information:
Context for the bit around my friends interaction with TYMON007
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @TYMON007
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days
Your Steam Name: Oskar
Your Roleplay Name: Oskar Giles
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53837836
Why were you punished?: 1.6, 3.4 - User walked up into an active shootout, even though they were well aware of it happening which resulted in their death. Later created a report that took a massive amount of staff time to resolve, as he thought he was killed without a reason.
Why should this appeal be considered?: To give a very brief context of the situation in the video, I had just spawned in and was running to get my car from city garage. I had then seen that a gunfight was ensuing and surrendered due to not wanting to be seen as a threat and just someone who had to the wrong place at the wrong time. I was then shot and afterwards promptly made a report as I felt like a rule had been broken.
I see the server rules as something that makes this server different from other RP servers as they allow for a more authentic role play experience and lets players enjoy themselves while not having their experience impeded on by people coming on and 'minging' on the server and acting in a way that wouldn't be enjoyable by others.
The reason the 3.4 punishment is unjustified and excessive is because of the following reasons:
1. I had made an effort to distance myself from the situation, I was wanting to go and buy a house from the bank and get my car out to drive to wherever that would be but had realised the situation at hand.
2. I hadn't effected anyones role play experience but my own.
3. My record for 3.4 is entirely for ignoring gunpoint and not for walking into gunfights. The part of 3.4 around following gunpoint is something in which I have, since my last ban been making a concious effort to avoid seeing as I have started to play regularly on this server again due to my friends taking an interest in playing on the server and participating in the community through running our organisation Anglo Arms together.
4. I was not given a fair chance to speak to either of the admins that were contemplating through a means in which I am able to articulate myself best. I had asked multiple times to speak to the mod and the 'senior admin' who were deliberating over whether to give me a ban or not although I had offered to speak to them through other means (Teamspeak/Discord/In game).
5. I was not loitering as I was constantly on the move besides when the voicerecord prompt came up. I was also not in the line of fire from intentional & accidental fire.
(The definition of the section of 3.4 that I am accused of breaking is defined as "Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you are not a part of or being within the line of fire from both intentional and accidental fire. Users must flee the scene of a shootout and wait for police to clear the scene and reopen the area to the public. This applies regardless of you being restrained or not.")
6. I was under the assumption that the gunfight was over as there were no more policemen following the death of the one seen in the beginning of the evidence as well as not hearing any shots fired up until that moment. Therefore I had assumed the situation was safe and wasn't intentionally running towards an active shootout. As well there was no banner popping up for an ongoing bank robbery.
The reason why the 1.6 punishment is absolutely absurd is because of the following:
1. I was fully co-operative with the staff member dealing with my report. I had not attempted to mislead or lie to them. I had followed any instructions or requests given by them.
(The rule 1.6 is definined as "Players must cooperate and follow any instructions or requests given to them by staff members, in relation to in-character and community-related situations.")
2. My WiFi is not the best - part of the reason I feel like this was tacked on to the ban reason was because it took me so long to get a clip to show my side of the situation. It had taken roughly 1:30 hours to upload a 5 minute clip due to my upload speed being abysmal. I had told the staff member that it was uploading and had mentioned that it may take a while to upload. Once I had confirmed it was uploaded I sent the clip straight away. This can be evidenced by the screenshots of the report conversation log.
3. I had not taken a 'massive amount of staff time to resolve' seeing as I wasn't in consistant contact and taking away time from the staff member dealing with other reports. It feels like this was blown out of proportion and should not be a reason for my ban to be extended as stated by TYMON007 "... you will be recieving a 5 day ban from this situation. This is due to you blatantly just walking up to a shootout and getting killed, and then basically wasting a lot of staff time to investigate that matter."
4. I was also told by the staff member that "The 'senior staff member' said you just wasted more time and you will be banned." when trying to explain my side of the story while typing when I had requested multiple times to speak to them in a manner in which would be quicker for all - Voice chat.
On another note which is more opinionated. TYMON007 had falsely accused my friend IakFTW on the 3/10/2024 at 14:17 GMT of stealing a Scar-L from slums during a shootout and them proceeded to call him a liar for 7 minutes before realising that they were in the wrong. This had shaped my opinion of TYMON007 before my interaction with them and had led to me taking a more cynical approach to their abilities.
In my own opinion I feel as if Perpheads is returning to its old ways of discouraging loyal players to play on the server by handing out excessive bans and not taking a more case-by-case approach. I do love this server and have played on it since 2015 racking up nearly 2 months and a half of play time. I don't want to see it die again because of the affordmentioned reason. I will admit when I am in the wrong and take my punishment as without the strict rules this would just be like any other darkRP server but with fancy textures and and gun mechanics. Although in this case I firmly believe that this an excessive, unnecessary and unjustified ban.
Additional Information:
Context for the bit around my friends interaction with TYMON007
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