Ban Dispute (Valentine)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: wantsumqt
Your Roleplay Name: Jerome Ojada
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45893379

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating and using discord

Why should this appeal be considered?: Look, i know i have been using discord and that it is wrong. I didnt think much of it because we were many in the discord and only 2 of us playing together while others were playing other games and just chilling. To the cheating part, i dont cheat. Dont why i get banned for this, i have seen plenty ppl on the server playing so sus but never dealt with. i pre aim, because i know how our setup is like so its pretty easy, nothing else than that. I would like to get unbanned and lessen learned. I wont use discord again even.

Additional Information: My steamID is actually
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You’re going to need to dispute the cheating part before you can appeal the meta gaming. I’ll make this a dispute for you.
Please explain how you managed to lock onto this player, and shoot them without any sort of recoil or even any additional movement from your mouse.

Video is bad quality because it’s screen recorded in mobile.
Was using glock 17, which has no recoil almost. I got 6k hours in RUST and about 1800h in csgo so im pretty familiar with how to peak and knowing recoils
I can also link my Yt channel with rust videoes if ur familiar with the rust recoils
Also if i was cheating i would't invest THAT much time in your server knowing i will eventually get busted of using that. I have been accused of it before in other games but i have a past of playing a lot of FPS games which leads to me being good at knowing and learning different mechanics in games/servers