Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson

Your Steam Name: Daft Punk
Your In-game Name: Lacey Melano
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:173809331

Why were you banned?:
1.1, 1.4 User started getting incredibly aggressive to staff member over steam, because another user didn't follow gunpoint whilst in the SWAT VAN. When told to relax he refused and continued being disrespectful. - I would suggest you to work on your attitude. Extended further due to even more disrespect to users.

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: So I havent broken 1.4. When he said relax, I said no on steam, because my intention was to DC and have a couple of hours break from the server. He also takes stuff out of context. I will also be making an AR on a user regarding this situation later today.

Additional Comment(s): I want Mr Peterson to show this apparent 1.1 and 1.4 please in the next 24 hours @Jack P
Evidence (Required for all server bans): Will be gotten when I make the AR.
@Daft Punk that link I sent has all your chat logs for a good few months they will definitely be on there

The 1.4 violation has already been removed from the ban reason so we reviewed the ban for Disrespectful Behaviour. It is pretty clear that you were disrespectful to those involved however we decided that the ban length was excessive for the circumstance and have shortened it to 5 days.

@blobvis 2.0 @Shay
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