Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Code Monkey

Your Steam Name: tetra
Your In-game Name: Riley west
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) jumped to conclusions
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?:
I believe this ban is invalid due to the fact of before I proceeded I asked the other officers if they also heard the door rattle. This was confirmed by an officer called Amelia hence why we proceeded. When I asked if someone heard the door rattle (Bram the officer who tried to open the door but never spoke up once) should have said it was him and this would have never happened or occurred.

you can clearly hear in the video from another officer “someone is definitely in there”
And agian “pretty sure someone else is in there” I only proceeded once this was confirmed so unsure how I broke the law

You can clearly also hear me say “might have been wrong might have been hearing things. But only proceeded once Amelia confirmed she also heard something

Additional Comment(s): I find it really funny that the evidence provided once agian from this user flash forwarded over all this extra information about Amelia ectera. Seems really convenient .
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
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Reviewed with @Blackdown @blobvis 2.0 @JBirksy @Alliat

The property was clearly raided, you had one of the defenders in custody at the time. All weapons and bodies were accounted for, it would have been impossible for anyone but an occupant of the property to have been in the back. You're accountable for your own actions and you spear-headed a raid on an empty property. Hearing a door move in an apartment complex in which you can easily hear movement above and below the property in question is flimsy at best.

I've always found it quite obnoxious when obvious victims are raided by Police and get their drugs taken.
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