Ban request/Refund

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Steam: [EBBZC] -=Bilbo Swaggins=- Ingame: Ebbe Kvisthector
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam: Steam: Johnny Cash Ingame: Ben Johnson
His/Her SteamID: (Wasnt able to find he's steam profile)
Reason: Punched me with a bat while i had a deagle in he's face. Afterwards he lied to the admin and said i didnt have it in "Attack stance" as u can obvoiusly see in the demo that i had. Also he claimed that he couldnt see the gun and it happened too fast for him to stop. The reason that i went over to him was he had previously scammed me for 8k ingame and i wanted to speak to him. When i approach him and say "Give me my fucking 8k" he says "Fuck you bitch" and then all the above happened.
Tick: 29000

Also i would love it if i could get my Deagle refunded? Since he took it after this happened
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Checking the demo and will update, but I have a feeling this is the guy who was FailRPing as a cop a few days ago, and shot someone in a hostage situation. Will check my demo's to confirm if this was the guy.

PS: Next time if possible, can you make it a video instead of a demo mate? Just a bit of a pain having to download, and takes up some time
Matt :)

Update: The attack stance was very last minute? To be honest, I think this is unfair as he didn't really have much time to react.

He did fail-rp as a cop the other day but this is not what this report is about.

EDIT: Please can you upload a video, as I can't understand what is going on, when do you ask to mug him? and are you in attack stance when you are mugging him?
Sorry but -Neutral from me.
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Clearly he was lying since he first said you didn't have it in Attack Stance and than he said he didn't saw the gun.

PS: Did you get rekt with a bat?

Clearly he was lying since he first said you didn't have it in Attack Stance and than he said he didn't saw the gun.

PS: Did you get rekt with a bat?

Clearly he was lying since he first said you didn't have it in Attack Stance and than he said he didn't saw the gun.

PS: Did you get rekt with a bat?
Moderator please remove this post. Can't work out how to do it. I have posted in comment instead. Xenforo is terrible.
Well, I don't really see why he would hit you in the face with a bat instead of driving off, but he had his bat out much sooner than
you had out your deagle so he didn't broke 3.4. Anyways, he didn't have a real reason to kill you in my opinion which would outweight the risk of getting put into jail for murder.

Contact a senior administrator to get your deagle refunded.

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