Ban Request: Warxer Smith

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Myrothas/Myrothas Mcmillan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Warxer/Warxer Smith
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29659661 Reason: Fail-RP
Evidence: Myrothas:
Ice´y`2Dope Delirious: I'll add it, when its uploaded.

Sorry but i dont know how to find out the timestamp. But at least my Demo is rly short
so no long search required. What actually happened: Warxer stopped his car in front of
our drugplant spot and sneaked up on us. Both of my Growers managed to kill him. After
his Death he Fail-RP'd for killing us, even his car was still burning from scene before.
I managed to escape but later I tried to look for the plants and got shot in the back.
It felt kinda Call of Duty to me, tho I always were hoping to not experience those behaviours.

Edit: I want this Ban Request Removed!
He got killed, and came back few minutes later to kill us. Thats Fail-RP since hes dead. He died.
He wont be able to get his revenge. Or is this Call of Duty?
Not really FailRP but he broke NLR. I personally don't think this is a major thing to post. I personally think he should get a warning for breaking NLR.
+/- Support. Mix Feels
The Real Black Jesus;n21976 said:
Not really FailRP but he broke NLR. I personally don't think this is a major thing to post. I personally think he should get a warning for breaking NLR.
+/- Support. Mix Feels

First time he came from the front, next time from behind. So i see here, FailRP, Meta and NLR in once.
He used his knowing of wich side he could attack us now. (Meta afaik and totally not RP)
He went totally mad for being killed and thats why he did it. And i didnt kill him, it was my growers.
But i got killed too... unarmed, in the back - without a word. If this is RP, then nearly everything can count as RP.
Myrothas;n21980 said:
First time he came from the front, next time from behind. So i see here, FailRP, Meta and NLR in once.
He used his knowing of wich side he could attack us now. (Meta afaik and totally not RP)
He went totally mad for being killed and thats why he did it. And i didnt kill him, it was my growers.
But i got killed too... unarmed, in the back - without a word. If this is RP, then nearly everything can count as RP.

You can kill unarmed people in a raid.
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