Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Alessandro Gotti
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Z3R0DayZ
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86648108
Reason: Running away from gunpoint (4 vs 2)

No one of them had any weapens. U would never do this kind of action in real life if a guy had a big Sako and his hand. No matter what is unrealistic to run away from this kind of sit when the was so many guys. The guy should crouch and keep quiet because of FearRP.

I want a refund of my sako and the full mag inside it. Since he called the police and the shot my down!

Will in the start I never wanted guy banned I just wanted my gun back. The guy got agresive and lied to a admin. He began to call me a lier and putted my and a bad place. I decided to prove that i was right and he took a complete unrealistic action. I only want him banned for one day because of the way i disrespected my infront of the admin and my weapen back. Thanks for u comments. But i want u guys to know that the other 3 guys have weapens like bat and knifies. If the was guy with a bat infront of u and u was on the ground. U would never do this no matter where the gun was pointing!
-Support. I never saw any weapons on any of your friends only you. Considering he took his chance and got away he must be pretty lucky none of your armed friends shot him.
Just my opinion on this, you should probably upload a demo of the incident instead of a youtube clip considering that this only shows a limited view of the situation. The video does not show anyone else other than you having a weapon drawn. If you did have 3 friends with you who also were pointing guns it could only be seen in the demo.
No one had guns apart from you , you pointing the gun on my friend so i have chance to escape...
As you can see from the demo provided, no-body had guns pointed in his direction therefore he could run. As far as rule 3.6 goes you must do anything in your will do avoid your own death, at this time the user did not get killed, as he ran successfully when not under gunpoint and called the cops. Therefore this will be denied as no rules were broken at the time. Agent Green, you will also be receiving a warning for rule 5.1, this now brings you up to 9 warnings, be careful of what you do now.
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