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Your Steam/In-game Name: [EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=- is my steam name and my ingame is:Ebbe Kvisthector

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I only know the persons ingame name: Garren Drenk

His/Her SteamID: SInce i dont know the steam name i cant really get the steam id either

Reason: Pulling out a rifle on me when i have a gun pointed at him and telling him to drop the gun.


(Skip to tick 42700 to avoid having to watch 48 minutes of boredom)
Can't watch the demo at the time but if what you said is true, then it would be valid. However, it would help if you could provide some details like what the situation was and how it all played out in your own words.
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You were aiming
Your Steam/In-game Name: [EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=- is my steam name and my ingame is:Ebbe Kvisthector

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: I only know the persons ingame name: Garren Drenk

His/Her SteamID: SInce i dont know the steam name i cant really get the steam id either

Reason: Pulling out a rifle on me when i have a gun pointed at him and telling him to drop the gun.


(Skip to tick 42700 to avoid having to watch 48 minutes of boredom)

You were aiming a gun at me which I try to defend myself from. I though you were gonna shoot me in the head with your pistol. You didn't warned me at the time I had a gun behind my back, lieutenant.
(Too big to reply)
Doritos, here you broke rule 3.4. In this situation with a gun pointed at you regardless or if you are to pull the gun you will be killed, you are not allowed to pull out your gun. In this specific situation, since you had one gun that you were aware about (is what it seems to be) you pulled the gun thinking that you could take out the officer. You are absolutely not allowed to pull a gun on anyone who has you under gunpoint. Another thing to note is that if you were surrounded by officers and none of them had you under gunpoint, you are still putting your life at risk, as what do you think they're all going to do the second they see you pull your gun? Shoot.
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