Banned for trolling lol

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Reaction score
Hung Chow residence.
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans)

Your Steam Name: Standish
Your In-game Name: Ben Standish
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53827569

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans)
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I wasn't the person the report was about, when asked about it I said watch me do it again as a joke. Isn't my fault if there is an enforcer that doesn't know what he is doing or the facts as he doesn't have access to the logs

Additional Comment(s): I noticed Shamwow was also banned when doing little wrong, if someone wants to make an action request and see the facts, not the word of an enforcer that would be great.

Also not happy with the fact there is an enforcer having his friends message him on Steam to personally deal with situations, then not chase up the fact they are breaking rules. ShamWow fully well did comply, and said if your friends want to make an action request they're fully welcome too. Jack peterson is literally lying.
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
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