Being able to pickup items in water

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Main Idea: To be able to pickup items that are in water.

Full description of the idea: Self-explanatory.

Why should it be added?: There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to pickup items that are in water, especially things that are floating in them. It also gets irritating when you freeze a prop in water because you have to reconnect to get it back. Due to the system being implemented, it's caused me to drown many times when trying to pickup props floating on water.

Pros: - Removes all the hassle
- Realistic

Cons: Nothing.

*Other additions: Maybe make it so you can't pickup items whilst you're in water, and you can pickup anything in water when you're not in it.

*Images: N/A.
This needs to happen, when your barricade floats to the middle of the ocean, and you cant get it back out without calling staff or there is no staff on.
Yeah it does need to happen trying to recover props from the ocean is bad like you say if you freeze it when it’s only like 3/4 the way underwater you still can’t pick it up
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