Bird Basics-A "Book" Based on PERPHeads

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Chapter 1.
Moving to a new city.

It was a rainy morning. Dmitrii woke up at 6:30 AM. He was going to the airport.
He takes a bag.
(Dmitrii) Goodbye Evocity.
He exited his country house and walked to his car. A red Dodge Challenger drove off the driveway and moved to downtown.
The car passed a traffic sign saying :"Evocity International Airport-1/2 mile"
Dmitrii stopped at car park at the airport. He took a black cap and put it on.
He walked to the back of the car and took his bag.
Dmitrii entered the airport terminal. The woman at the registration desk said:
(Woman) Hi, captain Ermakov. Getting your 737 into the last flight?
(Dmitrii) yeah, I worked for more than a decade in Garry's Airlines. Now it's time to resign and live the good life.
Dmitrii puts the bag onto the conveyor belt and walks to the gate.
(Julia) Hello, Captain Dmitrii. Here's the passenger list.
(Dmitrii) Thank you. Is the co-pilot already there?
(Julia) Yes.
Dmitrii walks into the cockpit.
(John) Hello, Captain. John Busch.
(Dmitrii) Good morning, John. My name is Dmitrii. Is the cockpit prepared already?
(John) not yet.
Pilots prepare the cockpit.
The passengers board the plane. The jetway disconnects.
(Dmitrii) Garry 534 ready for pushback
(ATC) Garry 534 cleared for pushback, taxi to runway 24L.
The plane pushes back and taxis to the runway.
(ATC) Garry 534 cleared for takeoff runway 24L.
(John) Cleared for takeoff, Garry 534.
The plane takes off and climbs.
(John) I heard that this is your last flight.
(Dmitrii) Yes. I am resigning now but now thinking of working as a police pilot.
The plane descents and lands in Paralake City International.
Dmitrii exits the plane, goes to baggage claim and takes his bag.
(Dmitrii) Here we go. Paralake City.
He walks out of the airport, the weather is sunny.
A BMW M5 drives off the airport parking and goes to the suburbs area. Dmitrii exits the car and goes into the house. He unpacks his bag and looks around.
End of Chapter One.
I supposed you were inspired by my The Detective Files I want to watch this develop you could have some fans.

Keep working this could be a big hit.
Chapter 2
First Impressions

Dmitrii woke up and put his clothes on. He walked out of his suburbs house and was going to Fredy's bakery for breakfast.
(Seller) Good morning!
(Dmitrii) Good morning. Can I have a cup of coffee and an omelet please?
(Seller) here you are, that's $25
Dmitrii gives money, takes a seat and eats his breakfast. Meanwhile the TV is showing a documentary about police life.
(Officer) As you can see, it's very hard to work in PLPD. I would really appreciate if you join the PLPD today.
Number pops up on the screen 1-999-PLPD-JOIN
(Fast speaking guy) PLPD is recruiting officers, detectives, speed enforcers and pilots.
(Dmitrii) wait, did he say "pilots"?
Dmitrii takes his phone and calls someone.
(Dmitrii) PLPD? Yes, I am a pilot. Yes, I accept that. OK.
He runs to his house and gets into his black BMW. The BMW drives off the suburbs to the highway and arrives at PLPD station in downtown.
Dmitrii exits the car and enters the PD. An officer in the gloves is standing nearby.
(Lieutenant) Hello, you must be Dmitrii, right?
(Dmitrii) yes.
(Lieutenant) Great! We need chopper pilots but for some reason no one applies.
Lieutenant gives Dmitrii a key for a locker.
(Lieutenant) your locker is 36C. Go dress up and meet me at my office for briefing.
Dmitrii walks off.
(Dmitrii) 33C,34C,35C... Oh, there it is. 36C
He looks inside the locker and sees a Glock 20, police uniform, nightstick, handcuffs and chopper pilot helmet.
Dmitrii dresses up and takes the equippement. He walks to Lieutenant's office.
(Lieutenant) this is Bell 208. Do you know how to fly it?
(Dmitrii) sure.
(Lieutenant) Great. You will need to patrol above the city and get this bird back here.
Dmitrii goes to the helicopter, gets in and starts it up.
Then he takes off and flies around.
(Dispatch) Air 1, status?
(Dmitrii) Air 1, good.
He flies above the shop and sees some suspicious people. They take their guns and go into the store.
(Dmitrii) Air 1, We've got an armed robbery, 10-20 Uncle COS
(Dispatch) 10-4, Air 1.
Two Crown Vics with lights and sirens arrive on the scene.
(Officer) Shots Fired! Officer down!
An officer shoots both robbers to death, and runs towards the shot officer. He shakes him, checks his pulse and sees that he is still alive.
(Officer) we need an ambulance, now!
Dmitrii flies off because he realizes that his help is not needed.
(Dispatch) Air 1, you are assigned to suburbs.
(Dmitrii) 10-4, Air 1
Dmitrii flies to suburbs and spots men armed with assault rifles. They spot him too and begin shooting at him.
(Dmitrii) shots fired! Shots fired!
The chopper begins to smoke and the pilot loses control.
(Dmitrii) Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Air 1 is going do....... (Connection lost)
SWAT responds to suburbs and shoots the suspect, a rescue team is searching for the crashed chopper in the forest.
Dmitrii wake up in hospital, with a broken leg.
(Dmitrii) where am I?..,.
A news report shows a video of crash.
(News) a citizen walking by has recorded the moment of Helicopter crash on his phone.
End of chapter 2.

[DOUBLEPOST=1421522721,1421405755][/DOUBLEPOST]Chapter 3.
Back to routine.

Three weeks passed since the crash. The doctors fixed Dmitrii's leg and he was going back to PD.
He parked at police parking lot and stopped the engine. He got out of the car and walked into the pd.
Everything was very dark. Dmitrii unholstered his pistol and loaded it. He walked in looking to the corners.
Then the light turned on, he pointed a gun on something... It was a sign "surprise!" Officers walked in.
(Officers) Dmitrii! You are well!
(Officers) We were missing you!
(Someone) I was missing you more than them.
The lieutenant walked through the crowd of officers.
Some officer walked with him.
(Officer) Detective John Marston. I moved to here from Rockford PD.
(Lieutenant) Dmitrii, John arrived as soon as you crashed. You are his partner now. Unfortunately, this was the last chopper, so you are going on a car.
Dmitrii and John walked to an unmarked Dodge Challenger. It drove off the PD parking.
(John) So you are a pilot, rookie?
(Dmitrii) yes...
(John) now you aren't. We are detectives. I worked with Anders but he has been assigned to a new partner.
(Dmitrii) Wait, detective James Anders, the best officer in PD?!
(John) yes.
(Dmitrii) I heard that every partner he had died.
(John) yes, that's why they didn't put me at risk and changed his partner.
A man with a pistol runs by and shoots.
(Dmitrii) WOAH! WOAH! Get down!
(John) One-Twenty-Eight C, Shots Fired! We need backup!
Dmitrii and John takes out their firearms and takes cover behind the door. They point their weapons at the man and yells at him to get down. The man shoots and hits John. Dmitrii shoots two bullets into the man and runs towards John. He is bleeding out.
(John) ergh... He shot me into the neck...
John gets unconscious.
(Dmitrii) Officer Down, Suspect down! We need an ambulance!
The ambulance rushes through the traffic and arrives onto the scene.
A paramedic runs to John.
(Paramedic) his condition is critical, but stable.
Another paramedic takes the stretcher and puts John on it.
The first paramedic goes to the suspect.
(Paramedic) this one's dead.
They run to an ambulance and go to the hospital. Dmitrii walks up to the suspect and puts the gun into evidence bag.
End of chapter 3.

[DOUBLEPOST=1421870898][/DOUBLEPOST]Chapter 3
Something unusual.

A car passes by with lights and sirens. It is going to the fields.
SouthJet flight 228 is ready for departure to EvoCity from Paralake City.
A Boeing 717 pushes back, taxis and takes off. When it cruises...
It shakes really hard and the plane is going down.
(Capt. Whitest) What the...??
(First Officer Marksky) We've lost vertical stabilizators! Mayday Mayday Mayday! SouthJet 228 vertical stabilizators failure!
(ATC) SouthJet 228, left to heading 070, reduce speed to 180!
(Marksky) We're out of 10.000!
(Whitest) keep calm. We're gonna roll it.
(Marksky) Roll it?! What do you mean?
(Whitest) on a count of three, I want you to lower flaps, gear, put the speedbeakes up and add full thrust!
(Whitest) One, Two, Three!
The plane rolls and flies upside down.
(Marksky) oh no! Left engine on fire!
(Whitest) cut it out.
(Whitest) now lower the speedbrakes, and put gear and flaps up!
The plane rolls back.
(Marksky) Right Engine Fire!
(Whitest) cut it out.
The plane begins to glide.
(Whitest) Brace! brace for impact!
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
The plane crashes into a field.
The police car arrives to the scene. Dmitrii walks out of it and looks at a burning Boeing 717.
(Radio) All units! Belinsky spotted at glass co! Making a raid.
Dmitrii runs into his car, gets in and goes to glassco. He, Anders and 4 SWATs take the back door. Anders goes to the door with his shotgun out.
(Anders) Knock knock!
He shoots the door and swat goes in, they spot 2 suspects that open fire at them. A shootout begins.
This story isn't holding it's path to be honest, Dmitirirriirir did not go through any police training at all, he just got his job straight and no interview. As well he got his job after 2 minutes of just saying hello to the LT