Server Suggestion Blackjack Split

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Suggestion Title: Blackjack Split
Suggestion Description: If you hold two cards that are the same number in your hand, like two eights or two sixes, you can split them apart and play each one like two separate hands instead of one. - Splitting on the casino blackjack tables.

Why should this be added?:
- Ability for bigger casino risk. People could risk losing even more money by doubling down on two seperates hands or winning big. Helps people get interested as right now its pretty boring and bland with just 3 options.

What negatives could this have?:
- I guess economy impacts like ppl winning big at casino or ppl quitting due to big losses. Also if a person who isnt that familar with blackjack might lose big through splitting without even realising.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Just the boring blackjack experience and players who are wanting to play risky, let them play risky and either win big or lose big. Not much of a problem solver, just a quality of life improvement

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