Blue Creative Corporations

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Blue Creative Corporations
Blue Creative is a company which makes peoples lives soother and better in multiple ways. We are a company who cares not just about out customers but everyone. We are a company with currently 4 sections and hopefully more to come within the future. Our 4 sections are Transportation , Security , Construction and Soothers.

Transportation is very brief , but useful for our customers who are struggling to get to a location. They would call up to the company building saying there location and where they need to go. then the receptionist will call up one of the workers in that particular section and get them to give them a ride. The Free will cost $100 entry with $50 per mile - The Vehicle includes luxury features to make your journey rememberable , it will include stops when you wish and some food.

Security is the expensive side of the corporation , but is very useful to family's that live in dangerous areas of Paralake. Customers of Blue Creative will pay a worker to guard / patrol around there area. They will be on call 24 / 7 so if you need them while there gone , you can call them. They will come with a licensed pistol and if its needed , a heavier firearm in the trunk of there vehicle. They are all licensed and are allowed to be used in case of an emergency. We train our workers , so they have good aim.

Construction is also pretty expensive , and is also very brief its self. The Construction side of the company will be on call 24 / 7 , not just by customers but by the Paralake Police Department. We ensure that the roads are not just save for our customers but save for everyone. We also , construct houses and shops for our customers. So we ensure that they have ' Luxury housing ' for quite a large price. Price will be stated when a customer wants to hire us. Government employees get a 20% Discount.

Customer Favourites! A Best seller in some ways. For a medium sized price you , your friends or all of your family can get a luxury massage for 15 mins. Our Workers can also get pains out of your body , sooth your muscles .
Also , makes you relaxed , and calm , and removes the nerves and anger within your body.

Company Buildings - Where can you find us?
You can find us either in our Company Buildings or driving around Paralake to see if there is any work for us.
We drive any vehicle's , ranges of Super Cars , to mini coopers. If You cannot find us driving around you should check out our buildings. We usually set up shop at Business Sector ( Bazzar ) or in Suburbs houses , which we usually rent out for a day.

Company Policy - Terms And Conditions
Our Company wants to help you in any way possible but there are some Terms And Conditions you must read before hiring us. If you break them , out of the 4 sections you've hired us for , it will be stopped and there will be NO refunds.
We drive to YOU. So that means we are wasting our fuel for our customers and which we cannot afford to refill every hour or two so the fuel check will be included in the final bill.
All Workers have a panic button. If you make them press the panic button , in any way shape or form. If there life is in danger , the police will get notified , and they will be going to the location and you will get arrested , if you make them press it and then you say its a joke , You will get arrested for wasting police's time and your product will be stopped NO refunds.
We do not wish to harm you , so do not harm us. Harming our workers will result , In the police getting notified and your product being stopped.
Disrespecting our workers will result in your product being stopped and NO refunds will happen.
You will be notified with more T&C's when you begin your product .

Blue Creative Corporations - HELP WANTED
We are looking for some workers. Payed high wages , will be said exact wage when asked about it in person.
Please Contact our Receptionist at 423-5594
or please apply on the website! :

Thank you !
CEO - Harry Lynx

Update Notice and Information about Blue Creative Corporations.
BC Has been growing in a decent pace now. With quite a lot of pre - orders on some of the products , I've decided to add some packages and I got some more information to tell our customers. The BC Staff team has had a discussion and has decided to release 4 packages. Platinum , Gold , Silver and Bronze. They all include different features

Platinum : Platinum is the highest package than can be purchased. It Includes unlimited amount of calls for any of the 4 areas of the corporation but costs a high amount of $150,000 .

Gold : Gold is the second highest package. It Includes Limited amount of calls for all the 4 areas. 20 free calls for Construction & Soothers , 15 free calls for Transportation & Security. The cost will be the following $75,000 .

Silver : Silver is the third highest package and we've been generous to give 12 free class for Transportation , Construction & Soothers , and 7 free calls for Security. The cost will be the following $45,000 .

Bronze : Bronze is the last and cheapest package you can purchase. For only $20,000 , you can have 5 free calls for transportation , 4 free calls for soothers , 2 free calls for Construction and only one free call for security.

We are delighted to announce that
Robinson @YenamCraftFTW has been promoted to Head Of Security. Congratulations on the promotion Jack , and we hope to see you become a good leader , and make peoples life's safer!

We also have an ongoing deal on the construction side of the Corporation with United Roads - CEO @Captain About fixing the roads for the civilians in Paralake and also the hard workers out there , the rest of the information I do not wish to give it out. We hope that this deal goes through , because we are both new company's with a lot of potential.

We are also thinking about adding one or maybe 2 more sections , but first we are going to need the funds to start it off. So we are going to work hard to get that out that for you! We'll keep you notified about how far we are from reaching our goal for the ' session '

Kind Regards
CEO - Harry Lynx
[DOUBLEPOST=1472168880,1470954342][/DOUBLEPOST]BCC Will be closed for the next 5 weeks for our summer vacation!

(OOC , Closing the org for a bit)
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