Server Suggestion Body bags/Body remover for Police

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Suggestion Title: Body bags/Body remover for Police
Suggestion Description: Give police a body bag/body remover tool that can only be used if there is no paramedics in service. Perhaps make the tool a slow use instead of an instant remove and do not pay police for it.

Why should this be added?:
- Bodies can be removed if no medics are in service.
- Cleaner streets.
- PD not getting calls about dead bodies that are already dealt with.
- Realistic setting as having dead bodies everywhere isn't.

What negatives could this have?:
- Remove the need for paramedics, though I believe this wouldn't make them less useful.
- More stuff for police to do, so longer crime scenes.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Random bodies everywhere, useless calls about bodies that are already dealt with.
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Police being able to remove bodies is not planned at this time. In the future we might add a way to mark investigated bodies so it's obvious.
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