Bug Report (After putting a crate up for sale for $0, afterwards I couldn't edit, pick up or remove label, resulting in me having to reconnect to the

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Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: After putting a crate up for sale for $0, afterwards I couldn't edit, pick up or remove label, resulting in me having to reconnect to the server.

How to reproduce the Bug: For me all I have to do is put something up for sale for 0 dollars. Afterwards if you press e on the object you are soft locked with the display window for editing the name, price and whether it is on sale or not. I am unsure whether others can replicate the same error but I have reconnected and tried 4 times and all lead to the same error outcome.

Time Stamp: My last attempt was at 11:15 GMT today.

Errors: Here is the error message I receive:

[ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/guicore/dialogues/set_price.lua:95: attempt to index upvalue 'cbxSendMoneyToStorage' (a nil value)
1. setForSaleVisible - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/guicore/dialogues/set_price.lua:95
2. func - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/guicore/dialogues/set_price.lua:100
3. NetIncoming - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/profiler/networking/sh_networking.lua:63
4. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/profiler/networking/sh_networking.lua:68

Media: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...bef8c465f658feacd48f4d22100fa8117de4e93d585d&
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