Bug Report (Bad reflections, sign can be seen trough the wall, flying tree.)

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Type of Bug: Map

Description of the Bug: Bad reflections, sign can be seen trough the wall, flying tree.

How to reproduce the Bug: For the bad reflections you have to go either to Uncle Cos/Ye' Old Chaddy's or A Blaze it. While outside crouch near the windows and you should be able to see some purple squares. Second bug can be seen inside of A Blaze it, while in the shop look out of the window towards the road that takes you down to the beach, you should see a sign trough the wall. The flying tree can be found in the forest near the highway just at the entrance of Parker Tunnel towards Bazaar. Check the photos for a better view.

Time Stamp: -

Errors: Purple squares (my guess from the cubemap or something), fence can be seen trough the wall( same as the first one), flying tree(the static prop was not placed on the ground)

Media: https://imgur.com/gallery/ceaWCH4
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put mat_specular 0 in the console if that doesn't work make sure your direct x in gmod is on the newest version and not on dx 81