Bug Report (Lighting being really bright???)

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Not a perp issue it's a Gmod issue, This also happens to me in other servers

I had a similar issue, the lighting and reflection were off sometimes, try messing with mat_specular value in the console, put it to 1 or 0
What games do you have mounted? Some games like HL2 EP2 can be problematic, you can check this by clicking the game controller icon in your Gmod menu.

Try using r_shadows 0, might not do anything tbh but it is worth a try, the downside to it is the flashlight will no longer emit light on your end.

I would suggest giving mat_specular another go but set it to the opposite of what you currently have it set to (0 is likely to fix the problem), you can easily check this by entering the command without any values at the end and it will print in the console what it is set to. You should do this before connecting to the server after opening Gmod.

If everything else fails, are you playing on full screen? If so, try windowed borderless. This will disable the brightness level setting in your video settings so you can't adjust it but I'm also curious to see if this might help.
It happens to me when i get a steam notifications
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