Type of Bug: Lua
Description of the Bug: ORG tripple illuminated sign - BUG
How to reproduce the Bug: I take out the sign, have it out until restart, and when the server restart, puuf its gone
Time Stamp: Anytime and after restart
Errors: None
Media: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....licy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=true
Description of the Bug: ORG tripple illuminated sign - BUG
How to reproduce the Bug: I take out the sign, have it out until restart, and when the server restart, puuf its gone

Time Stamp: Anytime and after restart
Errors: None
Media: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....licy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=true