Bug Report (TV struggles/refuses to play videos with low viewcount)

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Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: TV struggles/refuses to play videos with low viewcount

How to reproduce the Bug: Attempt to play a video with a low viewcount on the TV. It will provide an error count.

Time Stamp: N/A

Errors: No visible errors.

Media: https://streamable.com/5uzpct
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First video you can see on the streamable has 212K views, second video has 3800. It seems a bit inconsistent. Some low viewcount videos work, but the vast majority don't.
After some more testing around, I believe the problem may not be connected to viewcount at all, but to subcriber count and/or whether or not it tries to play an ad on the start. I think that is the main issue. Every video that tries to play an ad at the start will not work. I don't know if there's a way to circumvent this.
this is a YouTube issue and not really something we can fix. They crunch down small-time videos, try loading a small video and compare it to something more popular; you'll notice the small video takes an age to load
this is a YouTube issue and not really something we can fix. They crunch down small-time videos, try loading a small video and compare it to something more popular; you'll notice the small video takes an age to load
That is not the issue I am posting about. This is about videos not playing at all - Which I believe is about youtube trying to force a advertisement to run when it doesn't. Please read the other posts I made on this thread.

Low viewcount videos from channels that have a very low subscriber count or channels that do not get ads at all (Like news media channels) work just fine.