Bug Report - weapons not sent back to storage

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Type of bug: Lua?

Description of the bug: I left the server 2 days ago and I had firearms for sale (MP5/10, modded SCAR-L, 2x deagles, m16a4, M4A1) I came back the next day and they did not return to my storage, I had other props as well which did return (furniture) but the actual firearms that were for sale didn't. Apparently, I was told that it shows that they went back in but I can't see them myself. Also was told that perhaps it may be inside the crash restore?

How to reproduce the bug: Have firearms for sale > Leave the server > when returning hours later after restart firearms are not in storage

Time stamp(s): Unsure - 30th November when I left the server last.

*Errors: [details of any visible errors]

*Media: [images/media of the issue]
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I also had some props go missing, 3 bookshelves, 2 sofas and 1 sofa chair. From memory.
Lost an AK-74U, put it on sale and when I rejoined today it's not in storage. Everything else I had on sale was in storage except for the ak.