Bugged ragdolls

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Type of bug: No idea, Lua?

Description of the bug: A few ragdolls of dead people on the server are not decaying, they are also not able to be removed by medics with their tool and they become collided with people, video below to explain further.

How to reproduce the bug: Unknown, usually I just find the bodies lying around possibly from disconnected players? God stick doesn't show who's body it is too

Time stamp(s): N/A

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I have noticed that this tends to happen to people who have become ragdolled in some way, then disconnect while still ragdolled. This specifically happened when someone was tased, then disconnected. Their body remained there for hours.
This is me, I have no clue why they wouldn’t work.
I think this also happens when you disconnect whilst in a car, unsure if you have to be the driver but I saw it happen to a passenger
I did this today so that would make sense.
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