Bye Bye

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So, I know I made a goodbye post about a month ago that I kept my work on for about 1 week and a half but now I'm really done with this shit. My reputation on the server is just fucking awful and I've tried to do stuff to change it but it hasn't worked. My time on PERP is only people criticizing me and the only times I've been complimented is when my actual friends aren't with people who dislike me. I've also found that the attitude towards "kids" and people with a squeaky voice is fairly bad although they were like it once they think that they can just shit on people because of their age and the sound of their voice - you know who you are.

The main reason I'm leaving is because of the mass amounts of disrespect given to me from people who used to be friends but another reason is also the fact I've found that my attitude is a whole lot better when I'm not playing PERP. Since playing I have become easily angered and I've grown an attitude that effects me and the people around me. Although I'm in Year 7 (in the English school system) meaning work doesn't matter for a while I've found that I'm becoming more and more disappointed in my work ethic because I've been distracted playing PERP instead of revising for a test or doing homework.

As much as I wanna stay I don't think it would be helpful to me and I'd rather be around a group of people that appreciate me better than this community.

People who made my time in this community enjoyable:

@MrAaron (Forum Banned) - Aaron never fails to make me laugh. He's a main reason I've stuck to PERP for so long and didn't leave sooner, I know I'll probably talk to him later on TS but I think its worth mentioning him in this post.

@MrLewis and @Creepis - My favourite staff so far. They have helped me with a lot of stuff and have been my inspiration to stop rule breaking and with trying to help make PERPHeads a better place. Unfortunately I didn't do what they inspired me to.

@KapiJam , @JackZ and @PaddyX - I've only recently started talking to them recently but I think they are some of the nicest and funniest guys I've met on the server. All of them have been kind to me and have been making me enjoy the server better.

@atomic_wizard and @Super_ - Probably my 2 favourite people on PERP, they have been kinder to me than anyone, have tried to include me in most things they do and have been amazing people for me.

EDIT : I would mention people who made it shit but that's "counted as disrespect" and or "slanderous".
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Such a shame to see you leave, you've always been nice to everyone and I have never seen you break a rule.
Good luck in the future!
Take care of yourself Tyler. I myself wouldn't have expected to be an inspiration but it's a good thing you recognized and tried your best on sticking to the rules. It's always sad for me to see a familiar face depart from this community, I care about many here, including you.
I wish you the best for your future and in your upper school years. Take it all easy and you will be able to control your anger.

Thank you for your time on this community, I appreciate it. See you later, friend :^]
I never really got around to meeting you in game (I may be mistaken, I haven't been on in nearly a year) but you were one of those guys who was just always around. I remember seeing your name everywhere. Sad to see you go!

Take care
So, I know I made a goodbye post about a month ago that I kept my work on for about 1 week and a half but now I'm really done with this shit. My reputation on the server is just fucking awful and I've tried to do stuff to change it but it hasn't worked. My time on PERP is only people criticizing me and the only times I've been complimented is when my actual friends aren't with people who dislike me. I've also found that the attitude towards "kids" and people with a squeaky voice is fairly bad although they were like it once they think that they can just shit on people because of their age and the sound of their voice - you know who you are.

The main reason I'm leaving is because of the mass amounts of disrespect given to me from people who used to be friends but another reason is also the fact I've found that my attitude is a whole lot better when I'm not playing PERP. Since playing I have become easily angered and I've grown an attitude that effects me and the people around me. Although I'm in Year 7 (in the English school system) meaning work doesn't matter for a while I've found that I'm becoming more and more disappointed in my work ethic because I've been distracted playing PERP instead of revising for a test or doing homework.

As much as I wanna stay I don't think it would be helpful to me and I'd rather be around a group of people that appreciate me better than this community.

People who made my time in this community enjoyable:

@MrAaron (Forum Banned) - Aaron never fails to make me laugh. He's a main reason I've stuck to PERP for so long and didn't leave sooner, I know I'll probably talk to him later on TS but I think its worth mentioning him in this post.

@MrLewis and @Creepis - My favourite staff so far. They have helped me with a lot of stuff and have been my inspiration to stop rule breaking and with trying to help make PERPHeads a better place. Unfortunately I didn't do what they inspired me to.

@KapiJam , @JackZ and @PaddyX - I've only recently started talking to them recently but I think they are some of the nicest and funniest guys I've met on the server. All of them have been kind to me and have been making me enjoy the server better.

@atomic_wizard and @Super_ - Probably my 2 favourite people on PERP, they have been kinder to me than anyone, have tried to include me in most things they do and have been amazing people for me.

EDIT : I would mention people who made it shit but that's "counted as disrespect" and or "slanderous".
Ignore the haters mate im 19 right now and i've become quite a strong and big guy both mentally and physically, but it wasn't always like that till i was around 15 i was an easy target for bullies high pitched voice small skinny i could barely defend myself both physically and mentally but i learnt one thing, as cheesy and corny as this sounds man just believe in yourself first way to beat a bully down is to show you aren't afraid to give them shit back, even if you arent the best with comebacks as long as you have confidence you can over come any bullies. Also im sorry i wasn't around for this if i was i would of helped you out bud ashame to see you go, but its also good to hear that its for the good. Keep doing what you are doing champ, enjoy and i hope this cheers you up dude :)