
Reaction score
I'm going to keep it completely simple as I don't have a whole lot to say.

I'm going to leave the server; I probably won't come back, maybe once or twice to give away my stuff or frick around, who knows.
But, I've just been thinking a lot about PERP lately and if I feel like I fit in or not, and lately I don't really feel like that anymore.
There's a whole lot of reasons why I feel like I don't want to play PERP anymore but- don't worry about it.

All I'd like to tell the peeps that do play PERP n' have fun, keep doing what you like!
The server is as alive as can be right now, and I really love seeing all the creative people do stuff for the server, seriously, you guys are the best.
I'm going to work on myself and try to get stuff figured out, maybe I'll someday work on that " Repo " documentary but, I don't know.
I'd like to thank all the peeps that have shown nothing but kindness towards me.

Thanks @Efan, for being a very good community manager.
Thanks @Niko, and all the people that worked on the Repo trailer.

Sorry to @filip for causing a scene, you're a cool dude.
Sorry to @Hayden for being rude to you when I got warned.

Melatonin causes me to forget shit, so if your name isn't on here don't be angry.​
It's sad to see you leave us, Envionic. I hope you the best later on, and hope to see you on at some point!
Sad to see you go, had some good talks with you on TS. if there is anything that you want to share as to why you feel that you do not fit in this community anymore then don't hesitate with sending me a message mate! Maybe I can be of any help :)

Anyways, best of luck in your future endeavors!
I dont get what you mean for causing a scene but i will always remember you being my last observation report supervisor man hope you find something else fun to do
Thanks for all the fun Ian Dalum ;)

Gl in life and hope to see u when u pop up!

Hope perp withdrawal symptoms don't show up :P
dahm sad to see you go also ill gladly take all of cars though but i hope you visit in a few year's
I wish you all the best. I know how difficult it is to play when you don't feel like you fit in. I always try to play my own way but constantly feel the pressure conform to how others play, and since I can't use my microphone often I feel like I'm pushed aside. I have taken years-long breaks and still feel this way. I hope you have other hobbies to put time into, think about how good you will get if you divert the time you spend here and spend it on something somewhat useful.