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C.I.S.S. is a leader in providing a variety of security and personal protection services. We serve individuals,institutions and business clients in need of reliable, long-term, professional and flexible security service throughout the Paralake.We pride ourselves on quality service that will stand the test of time and encourage our prospective clients to call upon our expertise, professionalism,and our state of the art equipments, vehicles and communications for all members and levels of our organization. Providing superior customer service and low rates along with our ability to understand our customers protection needs drives the success of our company.

When Its Comes To Security, We Stand Tough...
REMEMBER Your Security Is Our Business..

Our CEO Finlay Russell

C.I.S.S. offers unmatched customer service, reliability and professionalism that our clients have come to enjoy. Over 65% of our new clients are gained as a result of a current or former client referral. The fact that our retention rate is very high tells you something, as does the fact that some of our clients have been with us for long periods of time. C.I.S.S. is one of the top professional security companies that provide clients with the latest technology equipment & professionally trained uniformed security officer, security trailer and patrol services 24/7.

Capability Statement Command International Security Services has grown to the extent where it can compete successfully for a contract of any size. The national companies tend to be less efficient, and do not have the responsiveness and personal commitment as our locally-owned company.Lake of communication is a common and frequent in our industry. Our management has studied this issue for years.When you contacts C.I.S.S any time of the day you get to speak to live person to eliminate problems 24 hours a day.

Our services.

Encrypted Communication system / Pager and Cell Phones

Outdoor Warning Signs,
24 Hr Field Supervisor/24 hr dispatch.
Daily Activity Report Incident Report / Visitor Log Report.
Daily Patrol Report (Guard Patrol System, based on the client needs.
We now provide armed goods transportation

Click here to ask for a quote and use the format below.
Make sure the title is Quote Request [Name]
Telephone Number:
Requested Services:
Amount of time requested:

Click Here to apply for a job. Make sure the title is Application [Name]
Steam id :
Steam name :
Do you have experience in this range of roleplay?
Are you prepared to not go rouge?
You are guarding a office building while a man with a gun comes up and starts to shoot the windows all you are armed with is a pistol of your choice what do you do?

Name :
Age :
Qualifications :
Do you have a gun licence?
I _____ Herby agree that C.I.SS will not be held responsible to loss of life,limb or injury. I understand that my contract can be terminated at any time.
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