[CASINO] Add Blackjack

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Main Idea: Add blackjack tables inside of the hungries.

Full description of the idea: Add blackjack tables inside of the hungries.Simple as that.

Why should it be added?: It fits the casino feel we are trying to get out of hungries perfectly.Its fun way for people to gamble and lose all of their money.

Pros: Adds realism
More ways to gamble apart from shitty roll over shops at bazaar wich completely ruins the feel bazaar is ment to give you?

Cons: Hungries is to small to be an actual casino

*Other additions: https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2293/casino-kit-blackjack

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Blackjack can be way easier than poker both to win and to lose. Unlike poker blackjack is fast paced and the rules are very simple but space in the casino is scarce now which is a issue because where wiuld it go?
When initially speaking to Fredy about the Poker system, I thought it'd be a brilliant idea to have a casino in the map so people can gamble all their money away in lots of different ways. Of course, it would take a lot of work but it would be brilliant to see roulette, blackjack, slot machines, etc in the game. It'd probably need a map update however, considering the current casino isnt too big.

Soon to be a tower unite replica? Minus the shitty cartoon hats and stuff
This would be pretty cool tbh, its a nice fast simple to understand game I think this would add a lot of activity to hungaries and maybe if it was available as a standalone table such as you could get one at a certain org level
Due to everyone turning into gambling addicts now due to bazaar being full of roll tables, Something like this or very similar would be cool to see
Nice idea but no one would use it.

Make it an item only because Hungriges should be given back to us as a purchasable property.
Never knew it was a purchasable property but would be pretty cool to base there actually

also blackjack big fuckin yes because I actually know how to play that game