Chris Deam Recommendation

Reaction score
@RapidMadman007 Deserves my Recommendation.

Chris Deam has shown such a high ammount of excelence within the PD, his professional conduct was way more in line compared to other officers, even his higher ups. His enthusiasm is the reason why Im so impressed and would love to recommend him, as well as this, I would love to recommend him for his great sense of humor and overall friendliness. I haven't seen such a gem within this community since I've started and I think he deserves some love and appreciation!

People like @RapidMadman007 give me hope in the PD and actually make me happy because of how they act and their attitude. Thank you
@RapidMadman007 for today and for being around in general!

Hey man, just wanted to thank you for the Recommendation. It's been great to RP with you within the server, (Regardless if you've shot at me, I'll forgive that :) ). Didn't expect this report on me at all, and again, thank you. Much love.
I still don't really know who you are, but having spoken to you for a while on TeamSpeak yesterday, you seem like one of the nicest guys around at the moment. Welcome back!
I have a recording of Chris Deam @RapidMadman007 with another Officer Making a felony stop at my car, For a traffic offence while ramming into my vehicle... When confronted about this he began to be a smartass to me and my mate, I was mad and my friend tried talking more nice to him and he began to act up and thinking he could do whatever he wanted to.
Huh? Lol I'm just saying my opinion is that illegal now? Don't even answere cause I know you're gonna say something in the lines off "Yeah Fuck furries" or some dumb shit like that.
If he's done wrong as an officer, then PLPD Internal Affairs would be the best place to send your video, if he's just a confident officer and you're not into that then not much is gonna happen.

Don't post shit like this on a player recommendation though, there's no need.
Chris is a top lad, spoke to him on TS and he was great fun to be around. Only saw him as a cop for a few minutes but he made a really good impression.

pls join rtu chris
im waiting for to be on tlc or some shit showing us ur life