Server Suggestion City income through job related means, as well as environmental management.

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Description of the idea:
Adding 3 new jobs and locations that allow the city to make more income:
- Oil rig / field and Oil refinery workers.
- Power plant and power plant workers.
- mine and miner.

Each of these jobs will have 2 slots by default. Without a mayor, no benefits will be present of the industries.

How it will correlate with the mayors decision:
The mayor upon being elected will have 8 slots to split between these jobs, as well as a budget from the city funds. The mayor will have 3 options for each industry:
The industry could be prioritised resulting in an income bonus. In order to prioritise an industry, another will be shut down (See below).
The industries could all be balanced equally.
An industry can be shut down, meaning the benefits and downsides of the industry are lost.

This can be changed every 60 minutes. Prioritising and defunding the following job roles will result in the following consequences:

- Oil:
Prioritising: The cost of fuel goes down and around $1000 is added to the city funds per successful barrel sale.
Defunding: Base cost of fuel goes up as the city buys more oil from neighbouring oil operations.

- Power:
The mayor should be able to choose between the following methods for power:
- Coal plant: Burns coal. Medium power output, High environment damage, low waste, low investment, low safety risk.
- Solar: Lower output, No environment damage, No waste, Very high investment, no safety risk.
- Nuclear: Low environment damage (On its own at least), Very high waste, High investment, high safety risk.

Prioritising: Other cities pay Paralake for our surplus power, resulting in more money being given to the city funds.
Defunding: Monorail docks slower in ports (If possible), City has to outsource electricity resulting in less city funds for power.

- Mines:
Prioritising: City makes more money through selling resources such as gold, silver, coal, copper and iron.
Defunding: Simply removes the passive income of mining.
How each job / function should work:

How the jobs will work:

Oil rig / field :
- If its a rig, should either sit in part of the Paralake, or in a part of the ocean.
- If its a field, part of farm fields or city park could be taken up. A portion of admin hill alternatively could house both a rig and a power plant (See below)
Oil field workers attach barrels to oil pumping stations / pipes and wait 5 to 10 minutes to collect their barrel.
They will also have a wrench to fix jammed / broken pumps with.
An oil pump left jammed for too long will result in a fire, which will destroy your barrel of oil and results in you getting fined.
When an oil barrel is full, they must disable the pump and remove the oil barrel as soon as possible to prevent overfilling, which can also risk fire.
Oil field workers should make around 1500 per can filled.

Waste material can be chosen to be dumped or outsourced.
Dumping costs almost nothing, but harms the environment, leading to possible fines against paralake.
Outsourcing is expensive but leads
Power plant:
- Should be constructed on admin hill preferably.
- The power plant will change layout depending on what the mayor funds but the main building should be the same.
Upon being:
Solar: The outside should become full of solar panels and windmills. The workers will be tasked with repairing panels that fail as well as the windmills.
Coal: The workers will grab bags of coal and add it to the reactor. The reactor will drop barrels of Slag waste, which the workers must drag with their fists over to a truck in the yard. They must also cool the reactor with water every so often.
Nuclear: The hardest to maintain. The workers must drag nuclear waste barrels to the truck every 15 minutes, and use hoses to cool the reactor every 10 minutes to prevent a meltdown.

Unmaintained Reactors will have a meltdown which will have dire consequences. Depending on the reactor, the following consequences could occur:
Solar: All the panels and windmills break and must all be individually repaired. This is the least harmful option, but still costs the city money.
Coal: The reactor area ignites causing a fire, that the fire department must put out.
Nuclear: The entire facility becomes radioactive and damages anyone inside for around 10 minutes. Anyone killed in a reactor explosion will respawn outside the facility until their NLR expires.

Mayors side:
The mayor can select a waste management method, including:
- Dumping: Costs nothing, damages the fishing industries however. Dumping nuclear waste could lead to disastrous consequences for the environment however! It should also be illegal!
- Outsourcing: An expensive method of waste management that does no damage to the environment. The waste is simply shipped off to another location.

Coal: The "Reactor" will become a large stove like structure burning coal.
Nuclear: The reactor will be nuclear reactor.
Solar/wind: The reactor will become a simple machine which you don't add or remove anything from.

A trailer similar to scrapyards trailer should be added to the open area near Stonehenge. A tunnel underneath Stonehenge will lead to a mine.
Miners simply:
- Find ore boulders inside the mine. There will be 2 types of boulder: 1 that is clearly just a rock, and one that is of a slightly different colour, meaning it homes ore.
- Hit the ore with their pickaxe until the vein is depleted. Each hit will have a chance of giving a random ore.
- They then turn in whatever resource they get for a pay bonus depending on what they found.
A miner will be able to carry 25 ore at once.
Ideal drop rates and materials from each ore vein include:
- Nothing: 1/3 chance.
- Coal: 1/3 chance. Should give $25 per coal turned into the NPC and add $40 to the city funds.
- Lead: 1/3 chance. Should give $30 per iron turned into the NPC and add $50 to the city funds.
- Zinc: 1/5 Chance. Should give $40 turned into the NPC and add $75 to the city funds.
- Copper: 1/10 chance. Should give $85 turned into the NPC and add $125 to the city funds.
- Gold: 1/100 chance. Should give $750 turned into the NPC and add $1000 to the city funds.
- Platinum: 1/500 Chance. Should give $1500 turned into the NPC and add $3000 to the city funds.
- Rough Diamond: 1/1000 Chance: Should give $5000 Turned into the NPC and add $10000 to the city funds .

Every time an ore vein is depleted, another boulder should become an ore vein.

The mine should only be accessible by miners, police being notified automatically of non-government / mining personnel entering the mines.
Your pickaxe should eventually break, forcing you to get a new one from the NPC. The mayors budget will ensure these pickaxes don't drain the city funds.
Going off the job should simply allow you to keep the materials attained from mining. Despite the fact that they cannot be used to craft (Unless made so by developers) They could possibly could be used as an underground currency as well?

The mayors budget for the mines should have the following effects:
- Faster ore respawn rates, as the miners have better equipment to dig deeper
- More staff.
- Whether or not staff are protected with up to date equipment. Poor funding will leave them more susceptible to damage from mining related illnesses and no life alerts.

Basic rundown of how the budgeting system should work:
- By allocating funding to these industries, any expenses from the industry do not come out of the city funds. So the mayor makes the decision to either pay city funding in a planned and predictable manner or have the city expenses increase.
- If an industry runs out of funding, money straight from the city funds is used to fund it.
- Regardless of funding an industry, profits of these industries employing citizens go to the city funds.

Paralake Getting fined and carbon footprint:
If environmentally unfriendly methods of income are chosen, or if unsafe practices are put into effect, such as dumping toxic or dangerous waste instead of having it disposed of via outsourcing, Paralake can be fined. This causes the city funds to drop immensely.
Actions that get the city fined for each industry include:
- Choosing to have waste dumped instead of disposed of properly.
- Reactor meltdowns.
- Oil field fires.
- Mining related injuries / deaths.

A Carbon footprint will be visible by the book of law / city app (whatever it is by the time this is potentially released) Which will be visible for everyone to see. The city will receive a monetary bonus to its funds for maintaining a low carbon footprint, and will be fined for hitting maximum carbon footprint.

Each fine will be announced via the city hall broadcast system, saying:
City Hall: The city of Paralake has received a fine of *Amount* Due to *Reason* caused by mayor *Name*'s policies regarding the *Industry* Industry!

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Economy becomes dependant on the player base somewhat.
- More reasons to disprove of, arrest or kill a mayor (Environment damage, defunded industries, etc)
- Very in depth mayoral system, turning the mayor job into a game of simcity essentially.
- Paralake becomes more industrial with actual jobs to represent it.
- Could inspire children to become core workers in these fields of work.
- Far more realistic.
- Allows mayors to make massive income.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Requires map changes, quite drastic ones at that.
- Advanced system seemingly
- Jobs could be unpopular / unused.
- Trolls causing intentional meltdowns or other job related disasters (Could be countered with godstick tool that cancels them).
im assuming mugging and drugs wouldnt be allowed in the mines right as it would be a goverment facility ??
What if someone like myself who is an absolute PERPheads rouge kept causing meltdowns and explosions at the Nuclear facility because the Mayor wouldn't do something
What if someone like myself who is an absolute PERPheads rouge kept causing meltdowns and explosions at the Nuclear facility because the Mayor wouldn't do something
they would get banned like anyone else fucking about on a job and not doing there job on purpose
they would get banned like anyone else fucking about on a job and not doing there job on purpose
Yeah but what if it kept happening because people didn't know what they were doing, i.e a sweatervest.
This seems like an real nice idea, especially for new players to earn some money, but also for other players to make money on a job instead of waiting in a base 24/7.
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