City Workers

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in her grave
Main idea: Having City Workers

Description: Having a job option to work for the city. Your job would be to clear the roads of debris, fix leaking fire hydrants, mow the grass of government property, etc.
This would be a nice legal job to have. It would add realism a lot more RP to the server. Here's the kind of situation I'd HOPE to have with a City Worker.

*City Worker is chilling at home with friends*
*City Worker gets a text*
Text= "A Fire Hydrant is leaking in the Suburbs district, outside of Suburbs House 3."
*City Worker gets in his GMC Vandura/Ford Transit and goes to the leakage*
*City Worker pulls a wrench out of the back of his van*
*City Worker uses the wrench on the fire hydrant, which activates a /me indicating he's fixing it, and a loading bar (like the equipping bar) to show that he's still fixing it*
*Finishes and leaves*

  • Would encourage PassiveRP among the community, as people could earn money with a legal job because of this.
  • +Support adds realism.

  • Admins would have to get off their asses and work please dont hurt me
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I'd just prefer to be a citizen and change clothes, really. I feel that adding this would also make people suggest a fisherman job, a shop owner, etc.
There are many jobs that are being worked on and will hopefully be added in a future update. If your goal is to make money in a legal way and add more RP to it then that is already being done. I don't think we need this considering that there will be a good amount of jobs to get in the future. You will be able to a be a chef, farmer, or even be the guy who sells at Uncle Cos. In my opinion there is no need for this, just be patient and more jobs will be added soon.
What are these occurences supposed to be like? Will there be any consequences if no city worker can come and do their job regarding whatever has happened? How are these problems going to look like, will there be any physical presentation of what the city worker has to do/has done? At the moment, what you're suggesting is a job where you simply sign up, leave and do whatever. Once something you can do occurs, you will get there, quickly finish up before going back to whatever you were doing earlier. For example standing around watching youtube videos or alike. I can't see any way this would encourage roleplay the way it is.

Also, what kind of incidents can occur, that the city workers can do anything about? Leaving all the different kinds of things that can happen, up to the developers' imagination is not an option as they have plenty to do already.
Seems a bit too broad to me, if you have specifics I could see it being looked into but saying "Someone to mow lawn" or "clear debris" doesn't really help the devs.
What are these occurences supposed to be like? Will there be any consequences if no city worker can come and do their job regarding whatever has happened? How are these problems going to look like, will there be any physical presentation of what the city worker has to do/has done? At the moment, what you're suggesting is a job where you simply sign up, leave and do whatever. Once something you can do occurs, you will get there, quickly finish up before going back to whatever you were doing earlier. For example standing around watching youtube videos or alike. I can't see any way this would encourage roleplay the way it is.

Also, what kind of incidents can occur, that the city workers can do anything about? Leaving all the different kinds of things that can happen, up to the developers' imagination is not an option as they have plenty to do already.

It would be a lot to put in, but they could:
  • Mow the lawns of government-owned areas like parks and the little lawn thing outside the CH
  • Fix broken CCTV cameras (As some people still like to RP breaking them)
  • Fix broken fire hydrants
  • Pick up litter (Which would be randomly spawned on the side of a street or sidewalk somewhere)
  • Fix broken ATM's
  • Clean up randomly-spawned debris on the roads.
And if the City Worker doesn't do his job, it comes out of his pay and would cause hazards for the civillians like slippery roads and decreased safety because of the broken cameras.
Grass that needs mowing would just be tall grass, broken CCTV Cameras would have cracked lenses and maybe even shoot sparks out of them, broken fire hydrants would have water spewing out of them, litter would just be on the ground, broken ATM's would be the same as cameras, and debris would be the same as litter.
And those would be the main RP situations. After working, the city worker could go and create his own legal RP situations, such as buying and decorating a house with furniture, owning a coffee shop or restaurant, or even fishing. That's what I do in my spare time on the server- fish.
These are just ideas, though. Some would be really hard or maybe even impossible to do with Gmod 13, but if they are possible they'd help with rp fam.
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If the fire hydrants were used more by firemen then maybe, but because no one uses it, seems pointless to me, it's just pointless jobs that will never be used, but you are right about passive RP, there is define talk a lack of Passive RP, and more is needed.
It would be a lot to put in, but they could:
  • Mow the lawns of government-owned areas like parks and the little lawn thing outside the CH
  • Fix broken CCTV cameras (As some people still like to RP breaking them)
  • Fix broken fire hydrants
  • Pick up litter (Which would be randomly spawned on the side of a street or sidewalk somewhere)
  • Fix broken ATM's
  • Clean up randomly-spawned debris on the roads.
And if the City Worker doesn't do his job, it comes out of his pay and would cause hazards for the civillians like slippery roads and decreased safety because of the broken cameras.
Grass that needs mowing would just be tall grass, broken CCTV Cameras would have cracked lenses and maybe even shoot sparks out of them, broken fire hydrants would have water spewing out of them, litter would just be on the ground, broken ATM's would be the same as cameras, and debris would be the same as litter.
And those would be the main RP situations. After working, the city worker could go and create his own legal RP situations, such as buying and decorating a house with furniture, owning a coffee shop or restaurant, or even fishing. That's what I do in my spare time on the server- fish.
These are just ideas, though. Some would be really hard or maybe even impossible to do with Gmod 13, but if they are possible they'd help with rp fam.

Organizing, adding, and further detailing to this, as well as putting my own two cents into this page I'll add this.

1. Cleaning up litter:
The city worker would be given a trashcan SWEP, that allows them to carry one prop at a time to their van, this prop must be in a public area, and unfrozen.(to prevent minge workers) These props would be either left by players "trollprops" or spawned at a rate of 5 per 'totalling' crash a car has, and would only be able to be cleaned up by the worker, and would be a hazard otherwise. For bringing them in a player would be granted $25-$50 per prop. The worker would only be able to carry 5 Props, regardless of weight to the place he dumps it (scrapyard maybe???) Therefore allowing jobs to back up and preventing it from becoming either too finicky or unrealistic. A rule would be added stating
"*.* Prop Removal as City Worker: When playing as a city worker, you are only allowed to remove props if they are in a public setting, and there are no other players nearby actively using said prop"

2. Fix Broken CCTV Cameras:
The city worker would be given a wrench and a ladder SWEP that would allow him to place ladders on the side of any building to reach a CCTV camera which is broken. Cameras would break by either a player shooting it, or a 50% chance that a camera may break somewhere on the map every 5 minutes. (visually has an upside down model) He would do this in the same way RC would repair a car, just have a different sound and maybe a 'sparks' effect

3. Fix Broken Fire Hydrants:
A fire hydrant would be broken (indicated by a water stream coming from them towards the ground) by a player crashing into it with a car hard enough to cause the car's engine to stall. The worker would then (Optional, collect a replacement fire hydrant from their hiring NPC) replace/repair the fire hydrant in question, allowing it to be used again by firefighters. (we would need to increase the range or move the hydrants as well to make them actually usable)

4. Fix Broken ATMS
Players would be able to try and crowbar ATMs to try and get into their cash reserve ($2000-$5000 Would only work with at least two officers on) However, upon doing this, whether it failed or succeeded it would break the ATM, and the player breaking in would have to wait 15 seconds to collect the cash from the inside of the ATM with a loading bar (turning the ATM sign from green to red and making it nonfunctional) Failing or Succeeding with this would set off an alarm and make a 911 to the police, the same way a house alarm would. The city worker would them be called out to the area in question, and repair the ATM with the same tool used on the CCTV cameras, then giving the ATM a 15-transaction period between allowing it to be broken again (15 separate players must use this ATM to either deposit or withdraw before it's openable.)

5. Fixing broken doors
Doors that had C2 used on them currently are left until they despawn, city workers would be able to go to the open door frames, use the broken door, and put it back on the doorframe.

Additional things, non-jobs
The city worker would have a van, and wear a T shirt and Denim with a logo printed on it, he would not be allowed to patrol in his van.

(Optional) A new app for the phone called "City Reports" This would be the place where citizens could put in a report of what a situation is, using dropdown boxes to select what it is. If you were a city employee, this would be a ticket-style system which would say for each report, the reporter's number, the type of job it is, and the location. EX. "173-0297, reported (2) Broken Fire Hydrants Currently located at Suburbs " The locations would work using the same system as the 911, and panic. The worker would then be able to click a button for each job, and it would be removed from the interface (Allowing each worker to take their own jobs) They would then do this, and turn it into their hiring NPC. This would require a new rule added,

"*.* Closing jobs without finishing them: A job may only be closed without performing the tasks involved in it if there are either no tasks for the worker to perform or performing the task violates any of the In-Character rules."

Very obvious con to this: The version right here is rather intricate in its functionality and would require a long time to program most likely.

Feel free to leave feedback on this, but if you rate it negatively please state why.
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