From what I could see on my screen I was close enough to the corner to break line of sight, This took me just about 1 second to do as seen in the timer. Had he been more to the left instead of being on the right (His right and left) I would have had no chance as it would take more than a few seconds to run all the way out from where he would have been able to see. But from the position he was, I was able to get out quickly and the only points he saw me was the initial gunpoint that I swiftly broke as I ran to his right while also moving back out and then for 0.5 seconds to move around the yellow bollards. Both of which he was unable to shoot me regardless if he tried to or not. I feel the only way I got out alive was how quick I made the decision and how I manage to move to his right to break gunpoint thus allowing me to get away.
Saw this AR coming tbh as this is how most failed plans turn out. I didn't hear you too good either. Either you had that new whisper mode thing on or you just trying not to wake neighbours up but whatever the reason being I go in see a man pointing a gun. My first instinct being oh I got a nice corner here lemme just go around it and there we go. Also, there was another Officer right behind me too which could have affected the whole generic "Take an Officer hostage and get him to open all the doors plan" I ran at the first sight of the gun and as you can see in the video, Unless your judgment is impaired I had enough time to quickly break line of sight and since you fired the gun that Officer could have shot you so there go your hostage rights.
Also, may I ask, why you didn't flee the scene after the failed plan? I don't see any good in staying in the reception of a city Police Station waiting around to kill Officers whereas realistically, shooting up a PD would result in quite the numbers of Officers arriving on scene shortly after the shots. I and Frankie ran around to the back as it would be 3.4 to run at you head on. During of which you had around 10-15 seconds to flee either on foot or by car but yet you stand there hoping to increase your KD. And you blame me for the loss of the gun, So here if what I propose, I recommend you sleep on this as not only is it 1 am for both of us but you have clearly failed to look at the bigger picture and had you done so you may still have that AK which I am guessing is one of the rods fueling this AR.
I am going to go to bed and I recommend you should too. Otherwise, I am happy to give you tonights final word should you take it and I will be happy to provide both my Demo and replies tomorrow.