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Weazel is currently forum banned and has contacted me for representation.

After reviewing the evidence provided, the only tangible gunpoint that can be seen is yours, which, in accordance with gunpoint rules, was easily broken by running around the corner. Weazel did this to the greatest of his ability, and then when he realized he was under clear gunpoint on the stairs at a later point he ran back up the stairs to adhere to your gunpoint, at which point you had already started shooting.

Essentially, your gunpoint was the only one present which was broken in a rule abiding way, weazel tried to make an escape but then decided against it to preserve his own life. If you were not so itchy on the trigger finger you would have succeeded in your goals.


Exrobite - Attorney at law
gunpoint rules, was easily broken by running around the corner.

I think you got it wrong lad we were in P4 no chance of escape especially when theres a guy 1feet from you with an ak-47
then when he realized he was under clear gunpoint on the stairs at a later point he ran back up the stairs to adhere to your gunpoint,
Good that he realized he broke 3.4 and still proceed to try and escape with knowing he has no chance
I think you got it wrong lad we were in P4 no chance of escape especially when theres a guy 1feet from you with an ak-47

Good that he realized he broke 3.4 and still proceed to try and escape with knowing he has no chance

This is a negative on both points.

Let's take a look at the official guide on gunpointing:

  • If you take someone at gunpoint near a corner where they could reasonable run around said corner and flee or defend him/her self they may do so.

There was clearly a very quick and easy way for weazel to block the only currently perceived threat, which was yourself, that coincides very well with this criteria for breaking line of sight.

Additionally, I feel you have failed to properly comprehend my point. At a later point he was under clear gunpoint, at which point he attempted to surrender. His escape attempt had not worked, but it could have, so it's failure should not be weighted as a reason to accept or deny this AR. He had a viable chance to escape and call the police.
There was clearly a very quick and easy way for weazel to block the only currently perceived threat, which was yourself,

Thats why katchin was 2feet away from him with an ak-47 and i was the only threat? Clearly still failed to stop
had a viable chance to escape and call the police.
How he had a viable chance to escape and why would he call 911 saying i stole drugs help me? might want to re-look my prespective could easily tapd him and katchin was 2feet from him as well and my gun was on your head id like you to show ur prespective @Weazel and lets see if you had a viable chance of escape if you died after 3seconds
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You can see at the start of the video he had only just drawn his ak, and it was not in attack stance, therefore he did not make it clear he was part of the initiation so weazel cannot be held accountable for ignoring him.
You can see at the start of the video he had only just drawn his ak, and it was not in attack stance, therefore he did not make it clear he was part of the initiation so weazel cannot be held accountable for ignoring
This is all poor excuses he even admitted that he didnt think im serious therfore he ran away under gunpoint this is already becoming chaos we'll let the staff team decide from here.
This is all poor excuses he even admitted that he didnt think im serious therfore he ran away under gunpoint this is already becoming chaos we'll let the staff team decide from here.

There's no chaos about it. I have provided reasonable justification for all of weasel's actions. Had he been fast enough, he would have been able to escape. He was presented with a poorly initiated gunpoint and took full advantage of this.
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