Communcations Ban - Dispute

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Faroe Islands
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @Efan @Collier @blackdown

Your Steam Name: FARSTAD
Your In-game Name: Not relevant
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Why were you banned?: Breach of basic conduct rules.

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?:

I feel that the ban is invalid due to the reason of having received punishments both in-game, twice, and a ban on the forums lasting 1 day. Nor did I even breach any conduct rules, as 1.2 clearly states "discrimination", not cuss words. Saying the word "gay" in a sentence is not discrimination towards anyone. If I tell a person that he is gay, then yes, sure that's 1.2. Also saying words like "fuck" "fucking" are also not discrimination towards anyone. If you want users to not use cuss words, then change up the rules, instead of going around just finding the smallest thing to warn/ban people for.

Additional Comment(s):

Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories. Discrimination especially occurs when individuals or groups are unfairly treated in a way which is worse than other people are treated, on the basis of their actual or perceived membership in certain groups or social categories. It involves restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to members of another group.

Evidence (Required for all server bans):

You formed the argument that rule 1.2 does not cover said situation as "saying the word "gay" in a sentence is not discrimination towards everyone" However, the rule covers more than just discrimination and this has been formulated quite clearly in the most recent change of the rule so that there could be no misconceptions about this.

1.2 Discrimination​

Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in and out-of-character context. Racism and homophobia are not tolerated in-character. Other forms of discrimination, whereas discouraged, are allowed in-character and are subject to the discretion of the players involved.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.

Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.

Referring to something as "gay" to put a negative meaning towards it is considered homophobic. This is very clear and no exceptions shall be made.

The second argument you made was that you have been punished for your wrongdoings already further admits that you are aware that you infact broke the rules. This also brings me to the second reason why this dispute has been denied; A communication ban, as drastic as the measure may be, is a punishment that is to be issued if misuse of communication channels is detected for a prolonged time. I'll give a quick example of what this means: if we see that you have been racist numerous times for a prolonged time then this shows us that you cannot deal with the freedom of those communication channels meaning that you will get communication banned, even if you've already received warnings for those racist remarks.

I am very well aware of what discrimination is, but the rules are very clear about racist and homophobic remarks.

Reviewed with @Hayden
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