so as a few people know i tend to go to alot of concerts/festivals, but i was curios if any other people go to gigs or concerts, and if so what was the best one you have gone to.
the best band i have seen live would be rammstien ( a german metal band ) then followed by iron maiden.
the best experience was probably seeing the offspring due to it was my first punk sort of concert and it was at a small venue, like open air concerts are great but i love the small venues personally.
but yea if you have been to a concert just post below the best one you have been to, or if you are planning on going to one post it below.

the best band i have seen live would be rammstien ( a german metal band ) then followed by iron maiden.
the best experience was probably seeing the offspring due to it was my first punk sort of concert and it was at a small venue, like open air concerts are great but i love the small venues personally.
but yea if you have been to a concert just post below the best one you have been to, or if you are planning on going to one post it below.

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