Current server issue

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Hello there guys! For the past couple of days, the server seems to be timing out for up to 20 seconds every 20 minutes or so and it's obviously causing a lot of problems for you guys on the server. Our host checked out the issue but they are yet to get back to us on what the problem is. Tomorrow in the early hours, Fredy will be checking out the server to see if it's something to do with us, hopefully then it can be fixed before the majority of people start connecting to the server.

As you know, we're incredibly sorry for the inconvenience that this is causing, so everybody who had purchased premium before this post was made will get 1 week extended onto their premium.

We will keep you informed on what our progress is with this.
Are you cereal? I've been trying to buy VIP the whole of yesterday
Glad its going to be fixed, how do you know if we got vip before the post (which I am one of the people).
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