Server Suggestion Damage / weapon blacklists

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Suggestion Title: Damage / weapon blacklists
Suggestion Description: Allow staff members to issue "Damage bans" to players who break certain rules such as:
- Raiding rules (Killing unarmed people, raiding twice in an hour, etc.)
- Randomly hitting players
- Killing people over minor reasons
- Shooting police for minor reasons.
- MassRDMers coming off of long bans through a successful appeal

The damage ban should work as such:
- Stops players equipping weapons. For the purpose of "passiveRP" through selling, They should still be able to carry them, just not equip them.
- The fists punch function stops working, only drag and push.
- Any job where you would be required to use a weapon, such as Police and Secret Service, will bar you from accessing until the ban expires or is lifted.
- Hitting someone with your car wont kill them and will instead ragdoll them and wreck the vehicle upon doing so.

DarkRP servers have this feature and I hate it because I often catch damage bans, But it works!

Why should this be added?:
- An alternative to banning someone. A huge number of new players are sitting on very long bans for something that could be substituted for this.
- Forcing players to stick to passive jobs which means lesser used jobs could see use if someone doesn't want to leave upon being damagebanned.

What negatives could this have?:
- Staff misusing it possibly?
- Players who want to be banned could resort to prop push or just being racist (Not that minges dont do that anyways)
what about people being mugged what are they meant to do then not defend there self ?? this just seems like a hey mug me magnet
what about people being mugged what are they meant to do then not defend there self ?? this just seems like a hey mug me magnet
If this were for a feature that didn't require you to break rules then this would be a valid con. I'd rather see players defenceless but still able to play than see them gone completely for something this could prevent.
If this were for a feature that didn't require you to break rules then this would be a valid con lmao. I'd rather see players defenceless but still able to play than see them gone completely for something this could prevent.
so for the hour or month or how ever long they can be mugged at any time no thanks mate...
this would basically just mean people with guns could run around and harras these people and they cand do fuck all
so for the hour or month or how ever long they can be mugged at any time no thanks mate...
this would basically just mean people with guns could run around and harras these people and they cand do fuck all

They can work a job or directly avoid any confrontation involving firearms by simply not choosing to involve themselves in criminal activity. Believe it or not there are rules in place to stop people "Running around and harassing people with guns" for no real reason. Crazy, right? There's also rules that stop you getting mugged all the time, or at all if you're working a passive job. These are all entirely moot points.
They can work a job or directly avoid any confrontation involving firearms by simply not choosing to involve themselves in criminal activity. Believe it or not there are rules in place to stop people "Running around and harassing people with guns" for no real reason. Crazy, right? There's also rules that stop you getting mugged all the time, or at all if you're working a passive job. These are all entirely moot points.
yes but if they wanted to for instance fish at hicktown etc then they could just be mugged all the time by other people though right

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