DarkShadow AR

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DarkShadow / Carl James

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73315798

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 by trying to take down the entire police force with what seemed like a desert eagle.

Evidence (Demo Required):


I was there when this happened. Its was a very idiotic move in my opinion.
I've had my friends with me, (In the range rover), though they're there for the same reason I am there, but they didn't help me on my go, as one of my friends identified me

Keel was right there when I wanted to gun them down, before all that Keel, sam and I gunned down the whole police force, so in my mind I "THOUGHT" that they'd help me helping Sam, in the end it was a misunderstanding, I even were confident that Keel will get them.

Video of Walker taking down several officers with a M9, it's all valid. Already asked other moderators.
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After reviewing the evidence provided here is my opinion on the matter.

Rule 3.4: Putting you life/ freedom at risk:
Clearly the user would not have been able to kill all those swat and police officers therefore he seriously put his life at risk by attempting to do so.

Overall i am +Supporting this Action Request.

First of all I would like to state that even tho Darkshadow is a friend of mine he broke the rules regardless which means I'm giving my honest opinion over here.

Now, you say that you thought your friends were going to pull up and help you kill the cops. That in my opinion isn't a valid reason. Let me tell you what you could've done. You plan to kill the cops with your friends and you start shooting them alone without any of your friends helping you. I wouldn't shoot the cops unless I have a confirmation from my friends to start shooting. After you tried to shoot all the cops you surely realized that your friends aren't helping, and what you should've done at that moment was surrender by putting your hands up and scareming "
I SURRENDER" just like they all do. That would've at least got you a less jail sentence and that way you could explain how your friends left you and you didn't have a chance other than surrendering.

In the end your options were:

  • Surrender
  • Wait until your friends shoot.
  • Plan it further (@BlitZKrieG)
  • Let them be as there is no chance of winning.
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It is clear from the video you had no clear plan or mindset to fully succeed, even in your defence you claim you assumed that your friends would help, bad news, they didn't.

You have been given a warning.
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