DB KILLER's Ban Apology @Super_

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United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Super_
How long were you banned for: Three month ban, Waited 2 months and 2 weeks of it so far.

Your Steam Name: DB KILLER
Your In-game Name: Xiang-Zhao Changiyng-Xui
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51492557

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) 3.2 - Communicated in-game information via a third-party application (Discord)
Why should this appeal be considered:

There is not a lot I can say when it comes to this situation of me wanting my ban either lowered or removed, but I'll say this much.

From when I first joined back in January of 2018 to my time now, I have managed to rack up over 20 bans. Which to me at the time seemed like a little, but I understand that it is quite a large issue at present.
I can only say so much to try and sway all of your opinions to have the ban either shortened or lifted entirely, but I will try regardless.

As of right now, this would be my first ban for breaking rule 3.2 as well as myself breaking this rule altogether and I would personally like to say sorry to the players whose role playing time and fun I had ruined by giving others information on what certain players are doing via a third-party software.

I understand that I do not have the best reputation when it comes to rules, but ever since I broke the rule of prop surfing back on the 24th of may 2020, I've been trying to better myself on the server by studying the rules harder and attempting to follow them as much as I can to avoid situations like these occurring, but as you can see, I only lasted 17 days.

I know before I was banned I racked up some blacklists for being toxic, Recently overall in real life and other games etc I'm no longer being toxic. It just gives me a bad look and bad reputation and upon returning to PERP you wont be seeing me being toxic at all. Just no need for me to be toxic and I can promise you, you won't be seeing me being toxic at all.

The most I can say to you all is that I am sorry for wasting your time and I assure, I will do my utmost best to stop getting warnings, stop getting bans and stop getting myself in situations where server admins are needed.
I understand that the words here may seem like all talk, but I'd like a chance to prove this.

You could take this proposal into consideration if you'd like, but I would like to suggest if the rest of my ban time is lifted under the condition of if I break a rule intentionally within the time-frame of 2 weeks (2 weeks is the remaining time I have on my ban), you're welcome to extend my ban.
My reason for suggesting this idea is because I am confident that I would be able to do this in order to prove that I am willing to play without breaking rules, as well as to show all staff members that I am ready to show that I've changed.

Additional Comment(s): The only thing I have left to say is once again sorry to the staff and players especially for the issues that I have caused in the past and at present time, but I do promise that when I am back, you'll all see a different me.
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